I just had a build fail apparently in the process of cleaning the compiler output directory. A directory not empty exception was thrown. The directory contains a .DS_Store file. I have had similar problems in my own code. I don't know how these files are being created. They...
步骤一:右击表名,选择Scripted Extensions->Go To Scripts Directory 步骤二:自定义一个groovyy 步骤三:输入以下代码 import com.intellij.database.model.DasTable import com.intellij.database.model.ObjectKind import com.intellij.database.util.Case import com.intellij.database.util.DasUtil import java.text...
(~/(?i)/) :"String"] FILES.chooseDirectoryAndSave("Choose directory","Choose where to store generated files") { dir -> SELECTION.filter { itinstanceofDasTable && it.getKind() == ObjectKind.TABLE }.each { generate(it, dir) } }defgenerate(table, dir) {defclassName = javaName(table...
Version 2023.2 or newer of IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition or IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition is required to build and develop for the IntelliJ Platform. Opening the IntelliJ Source Code for Build Using IntelliJ IDEAFile | Open, select the<IDEA_HOME>directory. ...
第一种: AndroidSDKLocation: C:\jdk1.8.0_66\bin Target folder is neither empty nor does it pooint to an existing SDK installation. 翻译: Android SDK位置: C: \jdk1.8.0_66\bin 目标文件夹既不为空,也不指向现有SDK安装。 解决方案:创建一个空目录,并选择该文件夹。
(layout.projectDirectory.file("README.md")).asText.map { val start = "<!-- Plugin description -->" val end = "<!-- Plugin description end -->" with (it.lines()) { if (!containsAll(listOf(start, end))) { throw GradleException("Plugin description section not found in README....
FILES.chooseDirectoryAndSave("Choose directory", "Choose where to store generated files") { dir -> SELECTION.filter { it instanceof DasTable && it.getKind() == ObjectKind.TABLE }.each { generate(it, dir) } } def generate(table, dir) { ...
References to global libraries are stored in the IDE configuration directory in options | applicationLibraries.xml. Define a project library In the main menu, go to File | Project Structure CtrlAltShift0S. Under Project Settings, select Libraries. Click and select one of the following: Select...
References to global libraries are stored in the IDE configuration directory in options | applicationLibraries.xml. Define a project library In the main menu, go to File | Project Structure CtrlAltShift0S. Under Project Settings, select Libraries. Click and select one of the following: Select...
i)/):"String"]FILES.chooseDirectoryAndSave("Choose directory","Choose where to store generated files"){dir->SELECTION.filter{itinstanceofDasTable&&it.getKind()==ObjectKind.TABLE}.each{generate(it,dir)}}defgenerate(table,dir){def className=javaClassName(table.getName(),true)def fields=...