File > Setting > Code Style > Inspections > Java 把“Commented out code” 的对钩取消之后就可以了。
19.You can comment or uncomment lines and blocks of code using Ctrl+/ and Ctrl+Shift+/.Ctrl+/ comments or uncomments the current line or selected block with single line comments (//...).Ctrl+Shift+/ encloses the selected block in a block comment (/*...*/).To uncomment a commented...
getCode()) { }'if' parentheses If selected, spaces inside parentheses in if statements are always inserted. Otherwise, no spaces are inserted. Selected for (int num : numbers) { if ( x ) { System.out.println("Hello from x!"); } else { System.out.println(y); } } Not selected ...
fecordeiro98 commented Mar 4, 2024 • edited I do some tests with JavaScript codes for my projects and whenever it's time to delete them because they don't work or something like that, I need to manually select the lines I want to delete. I looked for information about whether there...
getCode()) { }'if' parentheses If selected, spaces inside parentheses in if statements are always inserted. Otherwise, no spaces are inserted. Selected for (int num : numbers) { if ( x ) { System.out.println("Hello from x!"); } else { System.out.println(y); } } Not selected ...
Pressing ⌘/ (MacOS) or Ctrl+/ (Windows/Linux) anywhere on aline will comment out this line of codewith a line comment. Pressing the same shortcut will un-comment the line if it is already commented. If we select a whole code block, we can use ⌥⌘/ (MacOS) or Shift+Ctrl+/...
E.g. dgc: delete commented text. Support redo-register feature | VIM-2643 | viminfo Changes: Uses the same mappings as Commentary, so custom bindings for the Vim plugin will work with IdeaVim, too. E.g. <Plug>Commentary instead of <Plug>(CommentMotion). Old mappings are maintained for ...
beginning of line and manually typing //, Cmd+L will do that for us. Even cooler, the editor will know how to uncomment lines, even when commented out manually. A good thing to know is that caret will move to the next line automatically, allowing multiple lines to be commented out at...
# # This should stay commented out for backward compatibility and because most # people do not need auth (e.g. they run their own servers). # # Warning: since Redis is pretty fast an outside user can try up to # 150k passwords per second against a good box. This means that you ...
This way, all the supported properties are inserted commented-out. You still can see all the supported options, but you can uncomment just the ones you want to be applied. Preview Mode When tinkering with various configuration options, it is useful to check how are these reflected in a real...