解决方法图片右侧的父project的Sourece Folders,是不是把子模块module或者其他模块加载进来(会标红),删除即可
idea中导入名称为Test的项目后,打开 File—>Project Structure…,点击左侧的Modules,发现除了名称为Test的module,还有一个“main”,发现“main”属于“Test”这个项目。 当add JARS or directories或者add Library都会弹出错误框:“Cannot Save Settings Module “Test” must not contain source root ”。 解决:将“m...
报错:Unable to save settings: Failed to save settings. Please restart intellij idea(webStorm),程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Speed Tip:If the complete repository history isn't needed, then using a shallow clone (git clone --depth 1) will save significant time. On Windows:Two git options are required to check out sources on Windows. Since it's a common source of Git issues on Windows anyway, those options coul...
Note that you cannot delete default configurations. Ctrl0D Create a copy of the selected run/debug configuration. Note that you create copies of default configurations. The button is displayed only when you select a temporary configuration. Click this button to save a temporary configuration as ...
Note that you cannot delete default configurations. Ctrl0D Create a copy of the selected run/debug configuration. Note that you create copies of default configurations. The button is displayed only when you select a temporary configuration. Click this button to save a temporary configuration as ...
idea懒人神器 保存自动格式化SaveAction插件 懒人神器 保存自动格式化SaveAction插件1、打开setting,找到Plugins选项(安装SaveAction插件(如果有就跳过这一步))搜索:SaveAction安装成功之后,重启Intellij2、重启之后,打开setting,找到我们的saveactions(直接搜索)
Speed Tip: If the complete repository history isn't needed, then using a shallow clone (git clone --depth 1) will save significant time. On Windows: Two git options are required to check out sources on Windows. Since it's a common source of Git issues on Windows anyway, those options ...
而是在于InliJIDEA支持对任意进行设置为Sourceroot,具体设置在 会后面章节进行详解。Sourceroot的作用是标记该下的文件是可编译 的。 Javaclasslocatedoutofthesourceroot,由于上一条我们知道Source root是用来告诉InliJIDEA这是编译,而假如你Java类文件没有 放在该或是该的子包下,那该Java类则无法编译,就会被表示成...
sdk.configure.save.settings.error=Cannot Save Settings sdk.configure.editor.title=SDK Editor sdk.configure.classpath.tab=Classpath sdk.configure.sourcepath.tab=Sourcepath sdk.configure.javadoc.tab=Documentation Paths sdk.configure.type.home.path={0} home path: sdk.configure.general.home.path...