1、File》 Setting》FileTypes 找到Java,新增一个*java的Java类名正则表达式: 、 2、Associate File Types with Intellij IDEA 勾选Java 3、走到这新建Java类报错: Cannot Create Class Unable to parse template "Class" Error message:Selectd class file name 'Atest.java' mapped to not java file type '...
1、File》 Setting》FileTypes 找到Java,新增⼀个*java的Java类名正则表达式:、2、Associate File Types with Intellij IDEA 勾选Java 3、⾛到这新建Java类报错:Cannot Create Class Unable to parse template "Class" Error message:Selectd class file name 'Atest.java' mapped to not java file type...
见下图,在class右侧配置中添加: #if (${PACKAGE_NAME} && ${PACKAGE_NAME} != "")package ${PACKAGE_NAME};#end #parse("File Header.java") public class ${NAME} { } 即可
Cannot Create Class Unable to parse template "Class" Error message: Lexical error: org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.TokenMgrError: Lexical error at line 5, column 14. Encountered: after :"" 这是我的class模版 if (${PACKAGE_NAME} && ${PACKAGE_NAME} != "")package ${PACKAGE_NAME};#end ...
idea无法创建java class idea无法创建springboot项目 idea创建spring boot项目及遇到的各种问题一、创建项目第一次创建项目时要注意你的maven,点右下角Configure——settings——搜maven或build tools——maven。然后选择你的maven地址点击OK。见下图。第二步点击Create New Project开始创建项目,点击Spring Initializr(社区...
报错信息“cannot create class ;unable to parse template “xxx” Error message: This template did not produce a java class or an interface”报错原因:上述这个报错应该是由于你的环境的jdk更到1.8或者更高版本造成的。解决办法:(这里推荐最后一种)比较老土的办法:【不推荐,除非 ...
For more information, refer toFile and Code Templates. By default, the list of templates contains only predefined templates provided by IntelliJ IDEA. Some of them are internal, which means they cannot be deleted or renamed. IntelliJ IDEA shows the names of internal templates in bold. The names...
IntelliJ IDEA offers a comprehensive set of automated code refactorings that lead to significant productivity gains. For example, when yourenamea class, the IDE will update all references to this class throughout your project. You don't even need to bother to select anything before you apply a...
idea一编译就出错: java.io.IOException: Cannot create empty file: \XXXXX(目录) 2019-11-29 16:34 −前几天电脑更新后,打开idea就出现了这个问题,当时以为是自己改了idea的配置文件。 解决问题: 1、电脑更新后出现的问题:(可以没有更新但你改了电脑的编码格式) a)打开控制面板找到时钟与区域 b)找到区域...
那就要进行导入配置,找到左上角的File按钮点击弹框,然后点击Import Settings导入配置,如下: 弹框,选择jar包所在的位置,点击ok即可导入配置,如下: 但是回到代码编辑区之后,点击运行报错:Cannot run program,原因是:用的是别人的jar包,别人的jar包里面记录的是别人的jdk所在的位置,你要改为你的jdk所在的位置,点击右...