2.3 rebase失败 如果我们rebase失败: 解决办法: $ git add .(只要有修改都需要git add . 或者git add 具体的文件) $ git rebase --continue Applying: 【HCF】*** $ git push origin *** git rebase --continue 就相当于 git commit 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3 Git报错 Git冲突时,不小心点了merge操作,...
执行完git rebase --continue后就自动回到了master分支,但是之前提交的commit没有在本地仓库区(Repository)了,回到了本地暂存区(Index / Stage),这时候需要重新commit,之后再执行git push origin master就可以将变更推到远程仓库了。
So, returning a error indicator may help the script to alter execution flow according to exact error, code returned (so the script can retry the call again after a timeout, or terminate the script with error, To avoid abnormal termination, execution should continue to the end of the block....
git rebase -i master # ... select commit 1 to edit git stash apply git commit -a --amend git rebase --continue It’s just that easy! But seriously, let’s go through each command to understand what’s happening. The first command,git reset, is notoriously hard to explain, especially...
git rebase -i master # ... select commit 1 to edit git stash apply git commit -a --amend git rebase --continue It’s just that easy! But seriously, let’s go through each command to understand what’s happening. The first command,git reset, is notoriously hard to explain, especially...