立即体验 在使用IntelliJ IDEA进行编程时,有时可能会遇到“Cannot access public (xxx) in offline mode”的错误。这个错误通常发生在尝试访问一个在线库或模块的公共API时,但由于某种原因IDEA进入了离线模式,导致无法访问这些API。以下是解决此问题的几种方法:检查网络连接:确保你的计算机已连接到互联网。如果IDEA因网...
原因:intellij IDEA 默认为offline(离线)模式。 解决:把Work offline的勾除。 File->Setting->Build,Execution,Deployment->Build Tools->Maven
Plugin com.google.code.maven-svn-revision-number-plugin:svn-revision-number-maven-plugin:1.13 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Cannot access nexus-all ( in offline mode and the artifact com.google.code.maven-svn-revision-nu...
去掉maven前面的work offline模式
Cannot access central in offline mode? image.png Error:java: OutOfMemoryError: insufficient memory image.png 错误:编码gbk的不可映射字符 image.png image.png Project with path could not be found in root project gradle的bug,删除.idea配置,重新导入...
使用快捷键 ctrl+ shift +a 输入http 选择 这样就可以调试http请求了。 11.idea maven 下载包的问题 修改pom.xml 文件后发现包并不能下载下来。查看日志: Cannot access nexus in offline mode 有如下错误,原来使用了离线模式。 去掉离线模式,重新下载即可。
Cannot access central (https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2) in offline mode and the artifact dom4j:dom4j:pom:1.6.1 has not been downloaded from it before. 1. 答案分析:解决方法,直接删除本地仓库中对应jar包所属文件夹的以.lastUpdated和.repositories为后缀的文件(没有以.lastUpdated为后缀的,仅删除...
Work offline A lot of features in IntelliJ IDEArequire access to the Internet. If you are working offline (for example, in an isolated environment), there are some aspects that you should keep in mind. The offline help plugin is updated when a new major version is released. Changes that ...
Bug fix: fixed an integration issue with the IntelliJ IDEA debugger that could cause a “Cannot evaluate methods after Pause action" message while debugging. Updated embedded JRebel agent to 2024.1.2. 2024.1.1 Feature: added support for IntelliJ IDEA 2023.3.2. Updated embedded JRebel agent to ...
Bug fix: fixed an integration issue with the IntelliJ IDEA debugger that could cause a “Cannot evaluate methods after Pause action" message while debugging. Updated embedded JRebel agent to 2024.1.2. 2024.1.1 Feature: added support for IntelliJ IDEA 2023.3.2. Updated embedded JRebel agent to ...