1969 年,通用计算机时代进入蓬勃发展时期,当时年轻的工程师戈登 · 摩尔(Gordan Moore)已在 Electronics 期刊上发表文章《Cramming more components onto circuit boards》(Moore, 1965)。摩尔预测集成电路上可容纳的晶体管数目,约每两年便会增加一倍。最初,这篇文章及其后续动向都起源于一个简单的心愿——摩尔想...
Once everything is discussed and neatly organized, you can share the boards with the rest of your organization's people for their input and approval. For this, using a virtual Idea board is the best option because it allows you to share it with different parties easily, and they can also ...
根据They fixed the boards to some(6)branches.(他们把木板固定在一些结实的树枝上。)结合语境可知,此处是指结实的树枝。故选A。(7)名词辨析。A.形状;B.舞会;C.歌曲;D.颜色。根据Some birds were singing around them,(一些鸟在他们周围唱歌,)可知,此处是指,但是他们没有时间欣赏...
Don’t let your team’s creative ideas slip through the cracks. Capture, organize, and refine ideas with Toggl Plan’s easy-to-use, online idea boards. On the go, virtual idea boards Brilliant ideas can strike anywhere. So why limit idea boards for work? Toggl Plan takes the whiteboard ...
Can I waterproof old drywall before battoning it and then fixing cement boards in shower area for tiling? How is God's omnipotence compatible with His inability to sin/do evil? p-values for hypothesis testing How viable are index funds for non-retirement investing? What's a g...
Huddle for US Gov & Healthcare Huddo Boards HUE Datagate Hugging Face (獨立發行者) Hume (獨立發行者) Hunter (獨立發行者) HVI Vehicle Inspection V1.2 HYAS Insight IA-Connect Dynamic Code IA-Connect Java IA-Connect JML IA-Connect Mainframe IA-Connect Microsoft Office IA-Connect SAP GUI IA-...
Huddo Boards Teams 的人類智慧 HunchBuzz 混合式狀況良好 混合式簡化程式 Hyperlinks Hyperproof EU Ideamap Ideanote 想法- 員工想法 IdeaScale idgard igaming_next iLearn 365 ilert iManage imDocShare One 發生危機時 獨立 IndustryIntel Infinitera 資料庫總管 Inperly Interprefy-Translation Intervy 依Solutio...
Currently, many people (with their associative brains) use whiteboards to draw nodes&arrows both with optional short texts or just one word. Often afterwards a photo is taken of this draft, to later spend quite some time manually turning these pixels into a piece of paper simulated on a com...
The submission must includes the schematic description board and the presentation file, and the requirements for the description board are as follows: All contestants must present the scheme as a whole on A2 vertical layout (up...
The submission must includes the schematic description board and the presentation file, and the requirements for the description board are as follows: All contestants must present the scheme as a whole on A2 vertical layout (up to 3 boards), 150DPI, marked readable (margin 10mm), including: ...