NEEDHAM, Mass., October 9, 2023– The downward spiral for PC shipments continued during the third quarter of 2023 (3Q23) as global volumes declined 7.6% year over year with 68.2 million PCs shipped, according to preliminary results from the International Data Corporation (IDC)Worldwide Quarterly...
3.出貨量(Shipments)包括發往經銷通路或終端用戶的出貨量。 OEM 銷售額是依照銷售的公司/品牌計算。4. 品牌廠商是指當前母公司(或控股公司)擁有和營運的所有品牌和子公司。 2024年全球前五大品牌個人電腦廠商出貨量、市佔率及年成長率(出貨量單位為百萬台) 品牌廠商 2024 出貨量 2024 市佔率 2023出貨量 2023市...
Android reached a new record for market share during 2Q14, nearly doubling its share from just three years ago. Samsung once again led the charge, accounting for 29.3% of all Android-powered shipments, down from its 40.0% share of two years ago. Since then, competitors including Coolpad, ...
Mac Shipments Drop 2.5% in 2Q15 Amid Larger Worldwide PC Shipment Decline Thursday July 9, 2015 3:07 pm PDT by Juli Clover Amid a decline in both U.S. and worldwide PC shipments, Apple has also seen a slight drop in its U.S. PC shipments in 2Q15, according to shipping estimates...
Chart: Worldwide Smart Connected Device Shipments, 2010-2016 (Unit Millions)Description: This data comes from IDC's WW Quarterly PC Tracker, WW Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker, and WW Quarterly Media Tablet and eReader Tracker.Tags: Tracker, mobile phones, tablets, forecast, PCs, devices, consume... That's more than four times the number of iPads sold last year, and even if we add in the paltry 62 million Android tablets to the total for iPads the entire tablet sector hasn't sold as many units in 3+ years ...
3Q23 Unit Shipments 3Q23 Market Share 3Q22 Unit Shipments 3Q22 Market Share Year-Over Year Growth 1. Acer Group 1.0 28.3% 1.1 23.9% -6.3% 2. HP Inc.* 0.7 19.0% 0.8 17.9% -16.0% 2. Dell Technologies* 0.7 19.0% 0.9 20.9% -28.1% 3. Lenovo 0.6 18.2% 0.8 18.2% -20.9% 4. ASU...
Top 5 Companies, Worldwide Traditional PC Shipments, Market Share, and Year-Over-Year Growth, Q4 2024 (Preliminary results, shipments are in millions of units) Company 4Q24 Shipments 4Q24 Market Share 4Q23 Shipments 4Q23 Market Share 4Q24/4Q23 Growth 1. Lenovo 16.9 24.5% 16.1 23.8% ...
Worldwide PC Shipments Declined 2.7% Year Over Year in the Fourth Quarter of 2023 but Visions of Growth Lie Ahead, According to IDCContact For more information, contact: Michael Shirer Email: Phone number: +1 508-935-4200 Ryan Reith Email: Phone number: +1...
easy year-over-year comparisons as the market declined 28.7% during the first quarter of 2023, which was the lowest point in PC history. In addition, global PC shipments finally returned to pre-pandemic levels as 1Q24 volumes rivaled those seen in 1Q19 when 60.5 million units were shipped...