I was trying to eliminate the white specks with generative fill on the couch shown in the picture. The couch is sort of white people flesh colored and the censor does not you messing with it. This is a real pain and should be fixed. Votes 2 Upvotes Translate Translate Report ...
-- For favicon png --> <!--font-awesome.min.css--> <!--animate.css--> <!--bootstrap.min.css--> <!-- bootsnav --> <!--style.css--> <!--responsive.css-->
The preview in the LR Print module showed a tiny sliver of white at the botton of my portrait print. I thought I had some settings wrong but couldn't find anything. This was only an on-screen artifact, it printed edge-to-edge, top-to-bottom with no paper white showi...
body { background: url("../resource/bg.png"); } .logo-img { width: 1.1em; position: relative; top: -3px; } .form-inline input { width: 500px; } .input-card { position: relative; top: 7.0em; } .card-header { height: 3.2em; font-size: 20px; line-height: 2.0em; } .card...