Enterprise-Grade Firewall Software Engineering Software Engineering Service Product Engineering Automotive Electronics Digital Home Products Intelligent Devices Industrial Service Financial Service BPO Customer Center IT Service Back Office E-commerce Solution Testing & Performance Testing Service Performance...
Our data centers are equipped with state-of-the-art security systems, including biometric access controls, 24/7 surveillance, and fire suppression systems. We also employ encryption and multi-factor authentication protocols to ensure that your data is always secure and protected. Reliability We unders...
Our high-standard data center provides stable quality and high security services to help you build a digital business and maintain close contact with your overseas customers-China Mobile Solutions
Beijing Yizhuang data center of CEICloud is the first green IDC & cloud service layout by CEICloud in China and the first demonstration center of cloud storage of optimal-magnetic hybrid storage as well as the first demonstration center for quantum security communications in China. CEICloud Yi...
IDC(Internet Data Center),即互联网数据中心。是指在互联网上提供的各项增值服务服务。他包括:申请域名、租用虚拟主机空间、主机托管等业务的服务。 IDC 即是Internet Data Center,是基于INTERNET网络,为集中式收集、存储、处理和发送数据的设备提供运行维护的设施以及相关的服务体系。IDC提供的主要业务包括主机托管(机位...
IDC(Internet Data Center)机房是指专门提供网络服务的数据中心,主要用来存放和管理各类服务器和网络设备。idc机房内的服务器种类繁多,根据用途和功能的不同可以分为以下几种: 服务器:用于存储和处理大量数据,提供各种服务,例如网站托管、云计算、视频流媒体等。服务器根据功能和规模的不同,分为Web服务器、应用服务器...
本文介绍第三方SD-WAN设备如何对接转发路由器实现本地数据中心IDC(Internet Data Center)与阿里云专有网络VPC(Virtual Private Cloud)互通。 场景示例 说明 以下文档包含第三方产品信息,第三方产品信息仅供参考。阿里云对第三方产品的性能、可靠性以及操作可能带来的潜在影响,不做...
Equipped with Fire Master 200 (FM 200) Gas-based Fire Suppression System and a Pre-action Dry-pipe Sprinkler System. Full Auto-Climate controlled system Full UPS system, battery backup and diesel generator systems support Multi level security access control system State-of-the-art power man...
Our main business is communication technology , system integration , service outsourcing , data center.
Monitor Systems MAC-MONITORSYS n/a Monitor systems for the aisle containment, including the network EMS unit(can provide the data collection, fire system and sound/light alarm and monitor the A/C, UPS, and power systems), software,10inch screen 1 Controllers & Sensors R...