This paper presents a novel convolutional neural networks (CNN)-based approach for the detection of breast cancer in invasive ductal carcinoma tissue regions using whole slide images (WSI). It has been observed that breast cancer has been a leading cause of death among women. It also remains a...
Chen, X., Xu, M., Gui, H., Zhang, P., Wei, Q., Zhou, Q. and Zeng, H. (2015), The presence and clinical implication of intraductal carcinoma of prostate in metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer. Prostate,
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To diagnosecancer, you’ll get a biopsy to collect cells for analysis. The doctor will remove a bit of tissue to look at under a microscope. They can make a diagnosis from thebiopsyresults. If the biopsy confirms you have cancer, you’ll likely have more tests to see how large the tum...
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Co-Founder and President/CEO, Fighting Cancer Network Read the case study I was nervous going in, trying to make sure I provided all the information that needed to be on the app, and I was just blown away by all the research ConcertIDC did... They did so much research, they did a ...
breast-cancer idc invasive-ductal-carcinoma tensorflow-quantum breastcancerairesearch Updated Apr 16, 2020 Python PassByYou888 / Z-AI1.4 Star 12 Code Issues Pull requests Z-AI V1.4 发行版本 opencv delphi pascal ai server gpu cv idc a100 z-ai h100 Updated Sep 3, 2023 Pascal aws...
由于既往研究大多通过将含有IDC-P的肿瘤(实质为IDC-P与腺泡腺癌(PAC)的混合体)与PAC进行对比,而这种比较方式不够直接,一定程度上弱化了IDC-P与PAC的差异,因此四川大学华西医院泌尿外科团队通过手工刮取的方式将IDC-P、PAC及癌旁对照组织进行分离并开展了相关研究,该研究结果也于2024年1月发表在了《Cancer Research...
•Spleen-selective delivery of LNPs-based mRNA vaccine for cancer immunotherapy 王发展,课题组长(副研究员),郑州大学第一附属医院 •高通量脂质纳米颗粒发现平台实现肺部mRNA递送与基因编辑 袁哲凡,CEO,星辰智曜生物 模块三:免疫治疗 联合主办方:昂科免疫 ...