GOP state lawmakers during this year’s legislative session said such laws are needed to protect against “unlawful compelled speech.” “This is a battle line we have to draw,” the bill’s sponsor, Idaho Rep. Ted Hill (R), said while arguing in favor of the proposal in...
PAY INCREASES WRAP UP IDAHO LEGISLATIVE SESSION House Limits to 1.5 Percent Raises for Top State Officials2014 IDAHO LEGISLATUREThe Idaho House balked at proposed raises for top state electedofficials...Russell, Betsy Z
TOP PRIORITIES FOR SESSION INCLUDE EDUCATION, ROADS Idaho Legislative Session Priorities Include Education, RoadsIDAHO LEGISLATUREThis could be the year the Idaho Legislature finally moves towardlong-sought...Russell, Betsy Z
One for the books ; Lengthy legislative session had some shining moments for North IdahoBetsy Z. Russell Staff writer
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To check a filibuster—endless debate obstructing legislative action—three-fifths of the membership (60 senators) must vote for cloture. (In 2013 the Senate rule for invoking cloture was reinterpreted to permit cloture by majority vote for debate regarding all presidential nominations except those to...
The smaller membership of the Senate permits more extended debate than is common in the House of Representatives. To check afilibuster—endless debate obstructing legislative action—three-fifths of the membership (60 senators) must vote forcloture. (In 2013 the Senate rule forinvokingcloture was re...