5.Taxavailableaftercredits.Subtractline4fromline3...5 6.50%oftaxaftercreditfortaxpaidtootherstates.Multiplyline3by50%...6 7.Investmenttaxcreditavailable.EntertheamountfromPartI,line8...7 8.Investmenttaxcreditallowed.Enterthesmallestamountfromlines5,6or7here andonForm44,PartI,...
The state personal income tax is a flat 5.8%. Idahoans may apply for state tax credits for taxes paid to other states, as well as for donations to Idaho state educational entities and some nonprofit youth and rehabilitation facilities.[citation needed] ...
Buying a home or refinancing? Idaho Housing has the lowest mortgage loan rates in Idaho, down payment and closing cost assistance and homebuyer tax credits.