Landmarks in the AreaShepherd of the Valley Lutheran ChurchChurch, 550 metres west Ada Community LibraryLibrary, 650 metres west The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsChurch, 710 metres northwest Five Mile Church of the NazareneChurch, 1 km northwest Molenaar ParkPark, 1 km northeast...
Northwest Nazarene College in Nampa founded. First motor vehicle laws enacted by the legislature. Comprehensive system of revenue for state, county, municipal and school purposes enacted. School for the Deaf and Blind opens in Gooding. Franklin, Gooding, Jefferson, Madison, Minidoka and Power counti...
This incredible event is made possible by various faith organizations and churches throughout the Treasure Valley, including The Catholic Diocese, the Boise Rescue Mission, CenterPoint Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Nampa Men & Women in Christ, St. Pauls'...
which still maintains a loose affiliation with the Presbyterian Church; Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa; and New Saint Andrews College in Moscow, of reformed Christian theological background. McCall College is a non-affiliated two-year private college in McCall, which was founded in 2011 and...
Northwest Nazarene UniversityUniversity, 270 metres northeast Johnson Sport CenterSports venue, 320 metres north Vail Baseball FieldPitch, 340 metres north The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints SeminaryChurch, 460 metres northwestPlaces in the AreaColorado...
爱达荷学院 (The College of Idaho) 西北纳萨瑞恩学院(Northwest Nazarene College) 杨百翰大学爱达荷分校(Brigham Young University - Idaho):摩门教位于爱达荷州的教会学校。 折叠编辑本段重要体育团体 棒球 小联盟 树城老鹰(Boise Hawks,短期1A级西北联盟,母队:芝加哥小熊) ...