but there are a few nuances to address. For starters, you won’t use the designator “LLC.” Instead, you’ll use the designator “professional limited liability company” or “professional limited company.” The abbreviations “PLLC” or “PLC” (with or without periods) are also allowed. ...
Choice of Law.This Agreement will, for all domestic and international purposes, be governed, interpreted, construed and enforced solely and exclusively in accordance with the laws of the State of Utah, without regard to its conflicts of law provisions. You expressly agree that the exclusive jurisd...
- Banned pets: non-domestic pig, raccoon dog Non-domestic pigs and raccoon dogs are specifically prohibited in South Dakota. Permits are necessary to own any kind of non-domestic mammals. All animals are subject to a veterinarian exam and must be free of any contagious, infectious, epidemic,...
Household domestic service. Employment o amily members dwelling in the employer’s household (applies only to sole propri- etorships). Te owner o a sole proprietorship; working members o a partnership or limited liability company; individuals who are corporate o cers and who...