Idaho Department of Labor Economist Lisa Grigg will highlight data from industries representing the state’s smaller businesses at a free webinar Tuesday, Oct. 8. These businesses maintain one to four employees and account for over 60% of statewide employer accounts. The presentation takes place fr...
The Idaho Department of Labor and Apprenticeship Idaho are hosting the webinar in honor of National Apprenticeship Week and Women in Apprenticeship Day. A panel of guests will share their experience and knowledge of the advanced manufacturing industry, with a special focus on opportunities for women....
Incluye este cupón con tu cheque a nombre del Departamento de Trabajo de Idaho y envíalo por correo a: : State of Idaho Department of Labor Employer Accounts Bureau 317 W. Main Street Boise, ID, 83735-0760. Los impuestos se consideran pagados cuando el Departamento de Trabajo de Idaho re...