被公认为最好的花钱可以买到的逆向工程利器。IDA Pro已经成为事实上的分析敌意代码的标准并让其自身迅速...
This is a comprehensive list of plugins for IDA Pro that is more interactive, that is, it can be sorted and filtered to help with finding plugins of interest. It also has extra metadata like the language the plugin is written in, when the plugin was last updated, and an attempt at putt...
c0demap: Codemap is a binary analysis tool for "run-trace visualization" provided as IDA plugin. collabREate: collabREate is a plugin for IDA Pro that is designed to provide a collaborative reverse engineering capability for multiple IDA users working on the same binary file. ...
and more people will buy an original copy. Of course, a successful crack will appear in the course of time, but the time you buy is money earned. Really good protection will buy a considerable amount of time and will engender several versions of the crack, some of which will not work ...
FRIEND is an IDA plugin created to improve disassembly and bring register/instruction documentation right into IDA View. Funcap: This script records function calls (and returns) across an executable using IDA debugger API, along with all the arguments passed. It dumps the info to a text file, ...
collabREate: collabREate is a plugin for IDA Pro that is designed to provide a collaborative reverse engineering capability for multiple IDA users working on the same binary file. Updated: 2021 09 01 Language: C++ CollaRE: Multi-tool reverse engineering collaboration solution. CollaRE is a tool...
collabREate: collabREate is a plugin for IDA Pro that is designed to provide a collaborative reverse engineering capability for multiple IDA users working on the same binary file. Updated: 2021 09 01 Language: C++ CollaRE: Multi-tool reverse engineering collaboration solution. CollaRE is a tool...
This is done using the IDA Debugger API, by placing breakpoints in key locations and saving the current system context once those breakpoints are hit. easyRE: IDA Python3 script that's make you runtime analyse easier. It allows to trace the code that you selected, then browse the trace, ...
This is done using the IDA Debugger API, by placing breakpoints in key locations and saving the current system context once those breakpoints are hit. easyRE: IDA Python3 script that's make you runtime analyse easier. It allows to trace the code that you selected, then browse the trace, ...