Discord是一个面向游戏社区的即时通讯平台,用户可以创建服务器(Server)并加入不同的行会(Guild)。每个行会都有一个唯一的ID用于标识。 要在后台任务中获取当前行会ID,可以使用discord.py库提供的功能。首先,需要创建一个Discord机器人应用程序,并获取到相应的令牌(Token)。然后,使用discord.py库连接到Discord API,并...
Discord Server ID Retrieval To identify specific Discord elements like users, text or voice messages, channels, and servers, a unique number is assigned to it This makes things easier when Discord needs to resolve a problem or carry out an investigation. Obtaining a server ID, or any other ID...
如rename命令,当目标键已存在,redis会先删除目标键,如果这些目标键是一个big key,那就会引入阻塞删除的性能问题。 此参数设置就是解决这类问题,建议可开启。 默认配置项:lazyfree-lazy-server-del no replica-lazy-flush:针对slave进行全量数据同步,slave在加载master的RDB文件前,会运行flushall来清理自己的数据场景,...
(1)确保你的电脑装有SQL Server 2005/2008数据库服务器。如果未装有SQL Server服务器,点此下载SQL Server 2008 EXPRESS R2。 (2)创建一个名为db_MyDemo的数据库。 USE master; GO CREATE DATABASE db_MyDemo ON ( NAME = MyDemo_data, /*指定文件的逻辑名称*/ FILENAME = 'D:\mydemo_dat.mdf',/*...
With your Discord User ID, one can see your username, profile picture, server activity, and account creation date. However, it is essential to note that Discord IDs do not reveal any private information or settings associated with your account. 2. Is it safe to share your Discord user ID?
SQL Server Square Business (Independent Publisher) Square Payments (Independent Publisher) Stability.ai (Independent Publisher) Staffbase StaffCircle Star Wars (Independent Publisher) StarRez REST v1 Storm Glass (Independent Publisher) Stormboard Strava (Independent Publisher) Stripe Studio Ghibli (Independent...
问如何在Discord.js中从用户名中查找用户ID?EN在Linux系统中,每个用户都有一个唯一的用户ID(User ID...
SQL Server Square Business (Independent Publisher) Square Payments (Independent Publisher) Stability.ai (Independent Publisher) Staffbase StaffCircle Star Wars (Independent Publisher) StarRez REST v1 Storm Glass (Independent Publisher) Stormboard Strava (Independent Publisher) Stripe Studio Ghibli (Independent...
<localhost or NGROK tunneled address>/api/auth/callback/discord On the landing page press Install now button.Install bot.Try the /verify command.About Improve your Discord server by verifying unique people with World ID. discord.worldcoin.org Topics managed-by-terraform Resources Readme ...
5600000000000000 : Homebrew sysmodules : NXCord (Discord 客户端) 690000000000000D : Homebrew sysmodules : sys-con (第三方手把有线) === 010XXXXXXXXXX000 : Nintendo sysmodules : 尾数三个0多为金手指与MOD 0100000000000000 : Nintendo sysmodules : fs 0100000000000001 : Nintendo...