HANDLE RootDirectory;// 00000000 PUNICODE_STRING ObjectName;//指向对象名的指针 ULONG Attributes;//对象属性00000040h PVOID SecurityDescriptor; // Points to type SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR,0 PVOID SecurityQualityOfService; // Points to type SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE,0 } OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES; typedef OBJECT_...
C:\adb>adb shell getprop ro.build.version.sdk /* SDK 版本 */ 22 C:\adb>adb shell getprop ro.build.version.release /* Android 系统版本 */ 5.1 C:\adb>adb shell getprop ro.build.version.security_patch /* Android 安全补丁程序级别 */ 2016-07-05 C:\adb>adb shell getprop ro.product...
Idp: login.windows.net TenantId: aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee TenantName: Contoso AuthCodeUrl: https://login.microsoftonline.com/msitsupp.microsoft.com/oauth2/authorize AccessTokenUrl: https://login.microsoftonline.com/msitsupp.microsoft.com/oauth2/token MdmUrl: https://enrollment.mana...
HANDLE RootDirectory;// 00000000 PUNICODE_STRING ObjectName;//指向对象名的指针 ULONG Attributes;//对象属性00000040h PVOID SecurityDescriptor; // Points to type SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR,0 PVOID SecurityQualityOfService; // Points to type SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE,0 } OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES; typedef OBJECT_...
ERROR_ADAL_INTERNET_SECURE_FAILURE(0xcaa82f8f/-894947441)The Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate (previously known as the Secure Sockets Layer [SSL] certificate) sent by the server couldn't be validated.Check the client time skew. Retry the join after a while, or try joining...
The DNS Server role is installed, and it hosts AD-integrated copies of the _msdcs.<forest root domain> and Active Directory domain zones. The domain controller points to itself for preferred DNS. The domain controller has no alternative DNS server specified or points to a domain controller over...
ERROR_ADAL_INTERNET_SECURE_FAILURE(0xcaa82f8f/-894947441)The Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate (previously known as the Secure Sockets Layer [SSL] certificate) sent by the server couldn't be validated.Check the client time skew. Retry the join after a while, or try joining from anoth...
obj_ar.RootDirectory=0; obj_ar.SecurityDescriptor=0; obj_ar.SecurityQualityOfService =0; HMODULE hinstLib = LoadLibrary("ntdll.dll"); ZWOS ZWopenS=(ZWOS)GetProcAddress(hinstLib,"ZwOpenSection"); ZWMV ZWmapV=(ZWMV)GetProcAddress(hinstLib,"ZwMapViewOfSection"); ...
exec -c "root=/dev/mtdblock2 console=ttyS1,9600 single" 1. AI检测代码解析 passwd 1. AI检测代码解析 root / P@55w0rd! service idirect_falcon stop ifconfig | grep inet ifconfig ixp0 netmask 1. 2.
obj_ar.RootDirectory=0; obj_ar.SecurityDescriptor=0; obj_ar.SecurityQualityOfService=0; HMODULE hinstLib=LoadLibrary("ntdll.dll"); ZWOS ZWopenS=(ZWOS)GetProcAddress(hinstLib,"ZwOpenSection"); ZWMV ZWmapV=(ZWMV)GetProcAddress(hinstLib,"ZwMapViewOfSection"); ...