Pereira de Freitas, YagoMatos de Souza, Liane Caroline SilvaFantesia de Jesus, AriadneColmenero Cunha, ThiagoEm Pauta
接受专业音乐教育的机会。 有着丰富演绎经验的Jesus, 更是曾与Jordan Rudess, Marco Minnemann, Eric Marienthal,Milton Salcedo, Gabriela Soto, Randy Brecker, John Patitucci 等世界顶尖音乐人合作及同台献艺。 如今,正值上升期的他, 已而成为国际爵士舞台上冉冉升起的新星。 如何充实你的演奏 有时候,在演出时, ...
MIDI 曲名: Andrew Lloyd Webber Jesus Christ Superstar, 下载次数: 0, MIDI分类: 流行音乐, 播放时长: 03:31, 文件大小: 19.35 KB, MidiShow
Stand Up For Jesus.mid MIDI download By downloading this file, you accept the license of this MIDI file: For personal use only This license is declared by the uploader. You agree that you are making use of this MIDI file at your own risk. You need 3 points to download this MIDI file ...
The feast of the "Lord Jesus of Great Power" is the greatest folkloric event of the city of La Paz (Bolivia). The research developed is theoretically anchored in the field of social and cultural practices, more specifically in the theory of folk communication. T...
doi:10.1038/s41467-023-43764-4Iglesias, Maria JesusSanchez-Rivera, LauraIbrahim-Kosta, ManalNaudin, ClémentMunsch, GalleGoumidi, LouisaFarm, MariaSmith, Philip M.Thibord, FlorianKral-Pointner, Julia BarbaraNature Communications
MIDI 曲名: 181 Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King, 下载次数: 0, MIDI分类: 宗教音乐, 播放时长: 02:46, 文件大小: 5.61 KB, MidiShow
Stand Up For Jesus.mid MIDI download By downloading this file, you accept the license of this MIDI file: For personal use only This license is declared by the uploader. You agree that you are making use of this MIDI file at your own risk....
MIDI 曲名: Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross (aka "Near the Cross"), 下载次数: 0, MIDI分类: 民谣, 播放时长: 02:10, 文件大小: 10.99 KB, MidiShow
MIDI 曲名: Stand Up Stand Up For Jesus, 下载次数: 0, MIDI分类: 流行音乐, 播放时长: 01:27, 文件大小: 9.56 KB, MidiShow