瞭解Abbott 如何利用獨特的恆溫核酸擴增技術。 ID NOW™ 教學影片 按照影片課程瞭解有關 ID NOW 儀器及安裝的所有資訊。 觀看示範影片 觀看此產品示範,瞭解如何使用 Strep A 2 檢測。 相關產品 ID NOW™ COVID-19 ID NOW™ Influenza A & B 2 ...
ID NOW 快速分子诊断平台说明书 D I A G N O S E S C O V I D -19, I N F L U E N Z A , R S V A N D S T R E P A I N R E A L T I M E H I G H -P E R F O R M A NC E R E S U L T S F A S T E R L I F E -S A V I ...
"ID NOW is at the forefront of molecular testing technology because of the isothermal process by which the virus is quickly extracted and magnified at a constant temperature," said John Hackett Jr., Ph.D., divisional vice president of applied research and technology for Abbott's Diagnostics busi...
Our work now enables a rational structure-based design which preserves albicidin’s distinct and potent inhibition mechanism. Methods Cloning Plasmids pET28b-EcGyrATWS and pET28b-EcGyrBTWS encoding 10-His- and Twin-Strep tagged E. coli gyrase A and B subunits40 were gifts from V. Lamour (...
artery throm- bosis, reteplase produced more beneficial reperfusion effects than alteplase, streptokinase, and urokinase.15 Up to now, reteplase has shown excellent thrombolytic effect in patients with myocardial infarction; however, its efficacy as a treat- ment for PTE is yet to be established...
700?血管病杂志2006年9月第14卷第9期砌JCerebrova~cDis 他汀类药物与血脑屏障张运龙,周大春摘要他汀类药物通过抑制羟甲基戊二酰辅酶A(HMG.CoA)还原酶,上调脑组织内皮型一氧化氮合酶(eNOS)的表达和活化,升高血清过氧化氢酶和血浆NO浓度,增强抗氧化能力, 降低氧自由基含量,改善紧密连接的闭锁小带和跨膜蛋白...