Sir i have applied for NICOP to travel to UAE now i am in UAE and unfortunately i lost the Token that has given by the NADRA after applying for NICOP to collect the card when its ready...What i suppose to do now to get the my ID for Oversease as i even don't have the track...
if my wife did not change her name and not mention my name on her ID card then In Pakistan ...
NADRA launches Pak Card SMSThe article reports on the National Database & Registration Authority (NADRA)'s launch of a text message service in connection with its Pakistan Card project.Flare
用智能手机或照相机将图像拍到光墙,然后将其上传到此处,并立即为您的文档获取专业照片: 巴基斯坦NADRA 2 保证被接受 几秒钟内得到你的照片 您的结果照片将符合下面列出的要求和示例(图像大小,头部大小,眼睛位置,背景颜色,以千字节为单位的大小) 附加选项 上传照片获取结果 原始照片 成果照片...
Fortrackingofyourapplication&moreinformationpleasevisitwebsite ImportantNote:Incaseofrejectionofapplicationduetoincompletedocuments,theapplicantwill directlyprovidethatdocumentstoNADRA. PAKISTANORIGINCARD(POC) Note:Incompleteapplicationwillnotbeaccepted. Pleasebringlegiblephotocopiesofalldocumentslistedbelowat...
NADRA launches Pak card SMS verification serviceThe article reports on the launch by the Pakistan National Database & Registration Authority (NADRA) in 2011 of the Pakistan Card SMS verification service in Pakistan.F...