随变BuzzNotes et avis 1,4sur 5 37 notes
Buzz vocalizations were not strongly linked to a specific behaviour although there was some evidence of an increase in production during foraging and socializing. In addition, individual level production rates of buzzes during foraging and socializing, and burst-pulses during socializing decreased with ...
Acura成为了在美国销售的第一个日本豪华车,现在Acura的销量比Volkswagen还要好。Honda已经拥有了两个领导者的品牌。时间也是很重要的。你也不能太早地去创建一个品牌。倒退几十年,Nash Rambler是美国第一个小型车。但是美国汽车市场并没有发展起来。能够早一些进入市场并建立自己的品牌是很好的事情。但是只有你已经准备...