Welcome to our World of Warcraft The War Within Druid Guide. Here you will find a quick overview of the specializations Druid can pick and choose from, with links and in-depth information available to each specs Talents, Builds, Rotation, Gear and much more....
Druids are the keepers of the world. Locked in slumber for generations, they awoke to meet the threat of the Burning Legion during its recent invasion. After Archimonde's defeat, the Druids chose to remain in the waking world and help to rebuild their shattered lands. The Legion's attack...
42 Feral Druid 45:15 Subtlety Rogue 46:37 Arms Warrior and Fury Warrior 48:39 Restoration Shaman 49:34 Restoration Druid 51:45 Holy Paladin 53:56 Arcane Mage 55:34 Frost Mage 58:10 Frost DK 59:35 Demonology Warlock 01:00:44 Augmentation Evoker 01:04:40 Assassination Rogue 01:06:10 ...
Icy Veins provides news and detailed guides for World of Warcraft, Diablo, WoW Classic, FFXIV, and more...
来源https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/balance-druid-pve-dps-in-battle-for-azeroth-bfa 翻译+注释:巨膜蘸酱 这篇文章主要目的是提供艾泽拉斯之战(BFA)版本平衡德的一些前瞻。译者会根据一些条目进行注释。 注释条目以这个颜色标注。 因为大部分的信息比较新,我们主要会集中在机制上的改动,当具体的数值和策略出来...
原贴地址:http://www.icy-veins.com/wow/balance-druid-pve-dps-guide 职业概览: 新版本的平衡德鲁伊的循环有趣而又不失挑战,在单目标以及多目标ADD中均有良好的表现。 德鲁伊因为自身的日月火DOT,在多目标中表现出色,而因为自身多瞬发技能的存在,移动作战中也有一战之力。
Detailed World of Warcraft leveling guide for Druids to accompany you from level 1 to level 80: abilities, talents, tips, etc.
Balance Druids, also known asBoomkins, bring average single-target DPS tied to theEclipsecycle, excellent burst area damage withStarfallandHurricane, and powerful support abilities such asInnervate,Improved Faerie Fire, andCyclone. They are not the best specialization to stack inRaids, but perform...
2. Restoration Druid Viability 3. Druid's Unique Mechanic: Shapeshifting Forms 4. Best Races for Druid in Classic 5. Best Professions for Restoration Druid 6. Season of Discovery1. Introduction Druids are most often described as, "the jack of all trades, but master of none." This is quite...
The following guide covers the new Druid customization options added in Dragonflight Patch 10.2 and how to get them.