Power Word: Life. Learning how to balance being aggressive and trusting your atonement and falling back on direct heals is the biggest challenge in the path of mastering Discipline Priest in a mythic plus environment. To learn more about the fundamentals and make sure you are doing the basics ...
Shadow Priest Guide Enhancement Shaman Guide Balance Druid Guide Raid Guides Terros Guide Vault of the Incarnates Unique Drops Guide Vault of the Incarnates Raid Guide Sennarth, the Cold Breath Guide ABOUT THE AUTHOR This guide has been written byDutchmagoz. Dutchmagoz is a Mythic raider in one...
Arms Warrior Mythic+ Guide for The War WithinArms Warrior PvP Guide for The War Within 8. Improving as an Arms Warrior If you are finding your performance lackluster but are not sure where you are going wrong, you can check out the pages below for potential tips or answers to questions yo...
This section is intended for players who are new to the game or class, have no intentions of raiding Mythic difficulty, or simply want a more straightforward way to play their specialization without being overwhelmed by the numerous priorities and active abilities that need to be taken into consi...
Welcome to our Holy Priest guide for World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.0.7). Here, you will learn how to heal as a Holy Priest in both raids and Mythic+ dungeons. We cover everything from the basics all the way to min-maxing techniques to optimize your output. If you were lo...
Enhancement Shaman Mythic+ Guide Enhancement Shaman PvP Guide 11. Improving as an Enhancement Shaman If you are looking for an answer to a specific question, often these are common queries many players have. We keep pages that cover the most frequently asked questions and also mistakes players ...
In Mythic+, it is pretty much the same story as raiding. Arcane does both good AoE and single-target damage, without being the best at either. This makes it an overall decent pick, as it can be picked for any key without issue. 13. Changelog 17 Dec. 2024 (gear page): Updated Cy...
2. Notable 11.0.5 Changes to Holy Priest There are no notable changes for Holy Priests in Patch 11.0.5. 3. Holy Priest Strengths and Weaknesses Strengths Strong spread healing Multiple powerful healing cooldowns Can setup crowd control on their own with Holy Word: Chastise and Psychic Scream...
Comparing Mythic+ Dungeons is very challenging. Each dungeon from group to group is completely different in terms of routing, how fast things die, and other factors that influence the log itself. The best way to look at this kind of data is zoning in on bosses or specific opener packs indi...
Playable Classes Druid, Hunter, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Rogue, Shaman, Warrior Druid Forms[Return to Top] Aquatic Form Blue Dark Green White Bear Form Blue Dark Green White Cat Form Blue Dark Green White Flight Form (Pterrordax Form)