Patch 11.1 Changes to Arms Warrior With the introduction of a new Season and Raid tier, Arms Warriors recieved significant tuning across most of their core rotational abilities. Additionally, the Class Talent Tree has undergone a few changes to increase survivability and support better choices in th...
Colossus Arms Warrior has a unique sub-trait in being able to be the flag carrier on maps where it is required; however, a tank specilization or a druid withBear Formis a better candidate. If your team has none of those, you can step up and be the flag carrier, allowing you more ...
37 Arms Warrior and Fury Warrior 48:39 Restoration Shaman 49:34 Restoration Druid 51:45 Holy Paladin 53:56 Arcane Mage 55:34 Frost Mage 58:10 Frost DK 59:35 Demonology Warlock 01:00:44 Augmentation Evoker 01:04:40 Assassination Rogue 01:06:10 Destruction Warlock 01:07:20 Meta and comp...
This guide has been written by Abide, TBC and WotLK veteran for nearly a decade. Abide is a Warrior tank and multi-class expert currently playing on Faerlina Horde. You can find him in theIcy Veins Discordif you have any questions or concerns....
Cataclysm enchants, gems, and consumables present an additional way to further augment yourArmsWarrior. Enchants imbue weapons and armor with potent magical properties to enhance their power. Gems are meticulously socketed into gear, enhancing attributes and rounding gear out to fit your exact needs....
3.2. Best Leveling Gear for Arms Warrior When leveling up, you should always choose the piece of loot with the highest item level. The only exception to this rule is if you have a Ring or Necklace with a slightly lower item level, but 2 secondary stats on it instead of 1. 4. Level...
1. Arms Warrior Pre-Raid Gear Set 2. Pre-raid Best in Slot 1. Arms Warrior Pre-Raid Gear Set Your gear list will mostly follow the stat priority of theArmsWarriorspec, which is as follows: Strength Hit Rating (8%) Expertise Rating (6.5%) ...
2. Arms Warrior Rotations 3. Cooldowns 1. Arms Warrior Stances Warriorshave three different stances, each having unique functions that are needed in certain situations. Some spells can only be used in specific stances as well, making it important for you to understand the general purpose each st...
1. Stat Priority for Arms Warrior The stat priority for Arms Warrior is as follows: Strength Hit Rating (8% Hit Cap) Expertise Rating (6.5% – 26 Expertise Cap) Critical Strike Rating Mastery Rating Haste Rating 1.1. Strength Strength is the main stat for all plate wearing DPS classes, ...
Although Arms has many free global cooldowns due to a lack of Rage, planning for and ensuring you fill as many global cooldowns as possible during theColossus Smashdebuff is paramount to maximizing Arms Warrior damage. When outside of those burst windows, its better to let Rage accrue, and ...