At around 9:30 a.m., Eddie closed his eyes on his safe-enough, comfortable home and his squishy, water-soaked sack of a body in the mountains between Argentina and Chile. When he opened his eyes, he didn’t actually open any eyes. More like Eddie started processing and analyzing a da...
After spectating the state of the world with dispassionate eyes, he has come to a conclusion: Humans are the enemies endangering Arkesia. Hanumatan must be stopped, before his cold and furious wrath destroys every life form on Arkesia. Challenging Hanumatan in a Guardian Raid will require It...
New Talent: Crackshot (Passive) – Between the Eyes has no cooldown and also Dispatches the target for 75% of normal damage when used from Stealth. New Talent: Underhanded Upper Hand (Passive) – Slice and Dice does not lose duration during Blade Flurry. Blade Flurry does not lose duration...
Fixed a rare issue where characters would move under the terrain at certain locations in "Port Krona" in North Vern. Fixed an issue that caused characters to fall below the terrain at certain locations in "Lake Eternity" on Shushire. Fixed an issue where the map symbol would occasionally app...
Thrayir, Eyes of the Siren is a secret blue stormcrow mount you can obtain after collecting 5 items on the isle during a storm phase. We go over how to obtain it in our mini guide. 10. Whirling Runekey Whirling Runekey drops from Ksvir the Forgotten in the southernmost room in the ...
since the bonuses they form once completed vastly overpowers lower tier gear. Of course, these slots will be temporarily filled with Common (Grey), then Magic (Blue), and then Rare (Yellow) gear, before graduating into Sets (Green). Secondary equipment can only be socketed with N...
Rewards from tournaments include a huge sum of MGP, and there is an item awarded to those who reach double digit wins in four tournaments - a rare minion, the Penguin Prince! 5. Changelog
I would be shocked if they didn't slap some blue eyes on it and roll it out for 1 more circle around the wagons for something actually epic. As for what that may be... The one thing that could MAYBE bring the split community back together... Sylvanas realizes only one person can...
Our preview of Patch 8.3 continues with the Drake of the Four Winds mount that drops from an Elite when the Assault on Uldum is active. Reins of the Drake of the Four Winds drops from Ishak of the Four Winds (Rare Elite) in Uldum during the Assaults. The
Today, those winners were announced! The works are pretty impressive, and the finalists all had interesting ideas. Those who contributed to the contest will receive rare in-game rewards. Did any of you submit artwork to the contest? If so, we'd love to see it! As an honorable mention...