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1299: LIBERATION BUNDLE IN SURGICAL/TRAUMA/TRANSPLANT ICU: THE STORY OF SUCCESS TO PREVENT DELIRIUMdoi:10.1097/01.ccm.0001003360.47844.2dOlena SveltovKaiser Permanente, Calabasas, CAEric LeyCedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CARussell Mason...
Caring for critically ill patients with the ABCDEF bundle: results of the ICU Liberation Collaborative in over 15,000 adults. Crit Care Med. 2019;47(1):3-14. doi:10.1097/CCM.0000000000003482PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 42. Pérez-Stable EJ, El-Toukhy S. Communicating with ...
Effectiveness and safety of the awakening and breathing coordination,delirium monitoring / manage⁃ ment,and early exercise / mobility bundle[ J] . Crit Care Med,2014,42 (5) :1024⁃1036. [34] Ely EW. The ABCDEF Bundle: Science and Philosophy of How ICU Liberation Serves Patients and ...
promote liberation from mechanical venti lati on,an d improve post-ICU cogniti ve function an d functionality . T hepurposeof this articleis explore theA BC DE bundleformanagement the sedatives an d analgesics. [K eywords] sedatives;an algesics;deliri um;fatigue;bundle of care;mechanical ...
Caring for critically ill patients with the ABCDEF bundle: results of the ICU liberation collaborative in over 15,000 adults [J]. Crit Care Med, 2019, 47 (1): 3-14. DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000003482. [42] Barnes-Daly MA, Phillips G, Ely EW. Improving hospital survival and reducing ...
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“breakpoint” indicating a change in observed trends. A total of 183 patients (age 59.0 ± 15.9 years) were included, with 83 (45%) admitted before the intervention began. Benzodiazepine utilization increased for patients admitted after the bundle implementation, while agents intended to ...
Optimizing critical care with the ABCDEF Bundle. Available at:http://www.sccm.org/ICULiberation/News/Optimizing-Critical-Care-with-the-ABCDEF-Bundle. Accessed 16 Oct 2018. Puxty K, McLoone P, Quasim T, Kinsella J, Morrison D. Survival in solid cancer patients following intensive care unit ...