ObjectiveTo design the bedside tracheotomy checklist to improve the safety of operation. MethodsAccording to the quality requirements of bedside tracheotomy and perioperative coordination, all the preparatory work and cooperation work in the duration had been summarized and enlist in the ICU bedside trache...
Conclusions The use of ICU bedside tracheotomy checklist after bedside tracheotomy operation tends to make the process standardized, and to ensure the safety of patients, increasing the satisfaction of medical cooperation. It proves its feasibility in clinical practice.%目的 设计床边气管切开查检单,以...
ObjectiveTo evaluate the clinical performance of checklist for early recognition and treatment of acute illness (CERTAIN) on patients in the intensive care unit (ICU). MethodsA prospective observational study was performed. 100 patients (age > 18 years old, the length of ICU stay > 72 hours) ...
综合icu危重患者交接班checklist在床旁护理交接班中的应用 热度: 相关推荐 [收稿日期] 2013-07-12 [作者简介] 陈宏碧( 1971- ),女(汉族),四川省江油市人,主管护师,主要从事护理管理研究。 [通信作者] 陈宏碧 E-mail : 490183509@qq DOI : 10.3969 / j.issn.1671-9638.2014.05.013 利用床旁视频评价干预前后...
2024. 02. 002 ·综述与讲座· ICU 谵妄的预防 钟玉馨 胡波 [ 摘要] 谵妄作为一种急性脑功能障碍,在 ICU 的发病率一直居高不下,严重时可导致患者 的不良预后. 及时对 ICU 谵妄进行监测和预防,能有效减少其发生并改善患者的临床结局. 随着 医护人员对谵妄认识度的不断提升,对谵妄管理的不断加强,使得对谵妄...
Bench-to-bedside review: delirium in ICU patients - importance of sleep deprivation [J]. Crit Care, 2009, 13 (6): 234. DOI: 10.1186/cc8131. [24] Figueroa-Ramos MI, Arroyo-Novoa CM, Lee KA, et al. Sleep and delirium in ICU patients: a review of mechanisms and manifestations [J]....
Formal family meetings were defined as those scheduled by ICU teams or at the request of the patients’ family member(s), occurring in designated meeting rooms outside of the ICU (as opposed to ad hoc meetings, which were informal updates and discussions at bedside). The Family Satisfaction ...
1. Bedside monitor 2. Laboratory 3. Blood gas 4. Drugs - input/output IV 5. Observations 6. Other Heart rate, blood pressures,cardiacoutput, cardiacrhythm, respiratory rate, temperature. Electrolytes,white count, differential,culturescoagulation,lactate, enzymes,drug levels, hematocrit-hemoglobin,...
In another study, the CAM-ICU was systematically applied by bedside nurses in the ICU during an implementation process that involved training of the nurses. The agreement between the assessment from bedside nurses and a research staff rater was low at baseline but very high during the ...
This is a major difference between ICU and CVICU (cardiovascular intensive care) nurses. Nurses in these units focus more on vital sign changes and adapting appropriately. Neuro nurses will focus more on their bedside neuro checks to gauge if the patient is deteriorating. The signs are subtle!