National ICT R&D Fund was created in January 2007 by Ministry of IT with the vision to transform Pakistan's economy into a knowledge-based economy by promoting efficient, sustainable, and effective ICT (IT and Telecommunications) initiatives through synergic development of industrial and academic ...
For the same amount of switching capacity the power consumption can be reduced by as much 1 IEEE, Volume 32, Issue 8, "All Optical Switching Networks with Energy-Efficient Technologies from Components Level to Network Level," (Accessed 23...
I have written this document as a contribution to the strategic discussions that are currently taking place regarding the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which have been accepted by the membership states of the United Nations to be implemented in 2015.These goals are currently under development ...
INTERGENERATIONAL PROGRAMMES: PUBLIC POLICY AND RESEARCH IMPLICATIONS AN INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE This document consists of 12 papers that, together, summarize the key issues underpinning future research and policy development related to intergeneration... A Hatton-Yeo,T Ohsako - 《Adult Education》 被引...
which is by default a two-column webpage with four placeholder gadgets, automatically gives an overview of the project: an embedded calendar with the most recent posts from the announcements page, a list of updated files from the project document page and links to the different research component...
Click here for conference presentation document. Click here for the Cameroon GDG IOI 14 website. Cameroon: Online Comic Strip Prepares Print Edition after Successful Crowdfunding Campaign Dibussi Tande La Vie d'Ebène Duta(LVDD), a popular online comic strip created by Elyons, a Belgium-based Cam...
Politics, cyber-security, trade and the future of ICT supply chains A custom research report by The Economist Intelligence Unit for Huawei Technologies, Inc February 2014 Politics, cyber-security, trade and the future of ICT supply chains Table of...
The reflection carried out within the Higher Council for Education, Training and Scientific Research gave rise to a document presented on May 20, 2015, entitled the Strategic Vision of the 2015–2030 reform, in which the importance of conducting policies and strategies fully integrating information ...
Please submit all information in a single Word document. Proposals will be anonymised prior to peer review and applicants will be notified of the outcome of this process by 9 December 2024. On behalf of SMI and ICTMD-IE we thank you for your engagement. We are looking forward to welcoming...
about it, and nevertheless wish to claim leadership over the global digital-development agenda. This revised version of the GDC reads much like a partial synthesis of existing knowledge in the field, rather than a significant proposal to create an innovative, wise and forward looking document.[x...