(1918), through to the 1960s and Steven Marcus’s The Other Victorians: A Study of Sexuality and Pornography in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Victorian England (1964), the nineteenth century has been (re)defined according to its sexual politics, not least in order to contrast perceived Victorian ...
The Twenty-first International Conference on Technology, Knowledge, and Society is brought together by a shared interest in the complex and subtle relationships between technology, knowledge and society. We seek to build an epistemic community where we can make linkages across disciplinary, geographic,...
For example, in wireless applications, EEMN,DV defined by ETSI as mentioned above, is used to present data- energy efficiency. The index is defined as the ratio between total data volume and total device energy consumption in a wireless network. It represents the data-generation eff...
Research jointly conducted by Huawei and global market intelligence firm the International Data Corporation (IDC), reveals that digital infrastructure is critically important for economic development, using five key factors to gauge the level of digital infrastructure: this is the DFE Index...
excellent support & drive during such difficult times. Your commitment and round the clock support were big differentiators. I am happy that Vittrak & Sify team is now officially partners with HUL. We have a huge agenda ahead of us and am keen to make this a mega-success with your ...
The future of ICT supply chains The value distribution along ICT supply chains is changing. In the future, even less value will come from hardware, which will be further commoditised with the advent of software-defined networks, and more value will come ...
At least for formal SDOs, this is typically based on government endorsement which, in turn, requires that a " ... voluntary consensus standards body is defined by the following attributes: (i) Openness; (ii) Balance of interest; (iii) Due process; (vi) An appeals process.; (v) ...
vary at different points of the distribution. This study addressed this limitation by merging the quantile aspect suggested by Li et al. [39]) with the bounds testing approach suggested by Pesaran et al. [48]. This is known as “Quantile Cointegration (QC)”. The QC is defined as follows...
Processes are defined taking into account the following dimensions: identification, academic, pedagogical, educational, formative, evaluative, assessment of virtual learning and technological. The model is fundamental to the management of e-learning supported by ICT, justified by the fact that it is an...
[125]. While the studies showed different aspects of ICT use for IPV, a more integrative approach can be taken if researchers approach IPV using a virtual community framework. A virtual community (VC) is defined as a community of individuals cooperating using online tools to attain an objective...