this study found that ICT asset value is positively correlated with financial indicators such as operating income, profit before tax, and yearly profit; whereas it is negatively correlated with financial ratios such as return on average assets, return on average equity, and return on investment. Th...
The other side of the coin, however, is represented by opposite findings regarding the role of ICT penetration in economic growth. For instance, Dewan and Kraemer (2000) analyzed the nexus between Information Technology (IT) capital investment and productivity for 36 countries over the period 1985...
该数据的历史最高值出现于2012,达700.000 美元 百万,而历史最低值则出现于2001,为48.000 美元 百万。CEIC提供的毛里塔尼亚 MR: Investment With Private Participation: ICT数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于World Bank,数据归类于Global Database的毛里塔尼亚 – Table MR.World Bank.WDI: Investment Statist...
The result shows that bank profitability and ICT index have a significant positive nexus. This beneficial impact is particularly evidenced in the bank's digital transformation. Hence, the beneficial impact on the return on IT infrastructure investment surpasses the original installation expenses. The ...
With the current development of the country, this study analyzed the effect of urbanization, fertilizer usage, foreign direct investment (FDI), and ICT development on carbon dioxide emissions in Ghana. Time series data for 1971–2018 period was analyzed using autoregressive distributed lag regression ...
AI Databank won “BUSINESS GOVirtual Tech Awards -Tech Company of the Year (Large Corporation) – Innovative Technology Application” More > MoreCustomers Success Stories Learn how CITIC Telecom CPC's products and services actualize customers' Digital Transformation MoreTrending...
1993 - 2017 | 年 | 百万美元 | World Bank TH:ICT:服务出口:国际收支平衡表在12-01-2017达9,656.390百万美元,相较于12-01-2016的11,493.550百万美元有所下降。TH:ICT:服务出口:国际收支平衡表数据按年更新,12-01-1993至12-01-2017期间平均值为5,128.990百万美元,共25份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现...
But this transformation will only occur in a competitive environment, and when investments in ICT are accompanied by organisational changes, investment in skills and good management. The book argues for a comprehensive policy strategy to seize the benefits of ICT. 展开 ...
It is also an investment in long-term and sustainable development. ICT positively contribute to economic growth and development and have the potential to alleviate poverty and improve livelihoods by empowering users with adequate knowledge. Recommendations were made that African countries should promote ...
insufficient investment into education by local governments has led to infrastructure limitations and a serious shortage of important facilities (such as campus networks, computers, laboratories, and libraries), ultimately resulting in a poor teaching environment for teachers and students. Also, the loss...