Evolution of supply chains: From national champions to globalisation Introduction In the second half of the 20th century, the world's most dynamic economies—notably the US, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and much of the EU—advanced policy agendas to establish c...
This paper tries to provide a broad and comprehensive picture of informal standards consortia and their dynamic development in the past ten years. Analyses show that consortia have distinct characteristics which help to position and explain their existence in the standard setting context. Furthermore ...
Two cross-cutting platforms have been identified. The one on ‘capacity-building platform’ will “strengthen the capacity of the CGIAR and its partners through improved research networks, information technology, knowledge management systems, and training. The expected result is a dynamic knowledge creat...
2.2. Analytical framework: linking dynamic capabilities, foresight and inter-organizational networks Past research has generated profound knowledge on foresight. For example, the ‘Strategic Foresight Issue’ of this journal (Technological Forecasting & Social Change, volume 77, Issue 9) provides a collec...
[6] offers seven central research questions for sustainability science that in part inspired the fictional abstracts presented in the paper at hand: 1) How can the dynamic interactions between nature and society — including lags and inertia — be better incorporated into emerging models and concept...
Therefore, we extend the extant literature by exploring the dynamic effects of atomic energy and ICT on carbon emissions (CO2) for top nuclear energy countries using data from 1990 to 2017. To obtain robust findings, we deploy a novel non-parametric econometric approach (i.e., method of ...
Huawei ICT competition is an international communication platform that connects Huawei and universities, academia and industries, as well as talent demand and supply. Huawei builds a stage for glory, where participants have the opportunity to showcase th
(2021). A dynamic review of the emergence of corporate social responsibility communication. Journal of Business Eth- ics,168, 491–515. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-019-04232-6 Vial, G. (2019). Understanding digital transformation: a review and a research ...
All scenarios build on the IFs Base Case scenario. The Base Case is not a simple extrapolation of variables in multiple issue areas, but rather the dynamic, nonlinear output of the fully integrated IFs system. For example, IFs forecasts of key drivers, such as GDP per capita and population ...
For RQ3 we identified different approaches to designing and developing RPM processes (see Fig.5). We found IoT platforms to be a promising technology for rapid diagnosis, dynamic monitoring and tracking, and better treatment and control without spreading the COVID-19 virus to non-infected individu...