Note down the time taken to solve the question paper. This will help in better time management. They should also start practicing sample question papers to prepare effectively for ICSE Class 10 exams. ICSE releases the specimen or sample question papers every semester so that students can plan ...
ICSE Class 10 Maths Mock Sample Paper 1 with Solutions SECTION A Attempt all questions from this section. Question 1 (a)Find the value of a and b if x – 1 and x – 2 are factors of x3– ax + b. [3] Solution: Given,
If you are an Arts student inCISCE boardthen you may wantISC SyllabusforGeography, History, Political Science, Psychology, English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Sociology. WhereasCISCE boardscience students peruse topics provided byIndian School CertificateforPhysics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology, Computer Science. Li...
Question 4.10 Two moving coil meters, M1 and M2 have the following particulars: R1 = 10 Ω, N1 = 30, A1 = 3.6 × 10–3 m2, B1 = 0.25 T R2 = 14 Ω, N2 = 42, A2 = 1.8 × 10–3 m2, B2 = 0.50 T (The spring constants are identical for the two meters). Determine the rat...