Asthma is a heterogeneous disease and it is therefore unrealistic to expect that inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) would be appropriate first line preventer therapy for all children with asthma. There is good theoretical and clinical trial evidence demonstrating that leukotriene receptor antagonists (LTRAs) ...
Adding a LABA or LAMA to Current ICS Therapy for Uncontrolled AsthmaFletke, Kyle JordanTrasybule, NelAmerican Family Physician
让我们看看CHEST杂志近期发表的一篇述评ICS/Beta2-Agonist Reliever Therapy in Adolescents and Adults With Asthma[2],针对相关问题的讨论和分析。 推荐ICS/福莫特罗作为首选缓解剂的证据与使用特点(表 1) 表1. ICS/福莫特罗作为缓解剂的现有证据...
美国《变态反应、哮喘和免疫学年鉴》于2005年1月24日发表了START ( inhaled SteroidTreatment As Regular Therapy in early asthma,早期哮喘常规吸入糖皮质激素进行治疗) 研究的最新结果,研究结果给出了吸入糖皮质激素布地奈德(budesonide,Pulmicort,商品名普米克)为期3年的安全治疗数据。以往的研究发现,无论对于成人还是...
Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook ICS Medical Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia ICS abbreviation for (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Indian Civil Service Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, ...
[12] Aydin O, Sozener ZC, Soyyigit S, et al. Omalizumab in the treatment of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis: One center's experience with 14 cases.Allergy Asthma Proc. 2015; 36(6): 493-500 [13] Stanziola A DAM, Vitale C, et al. Combined therapy omalizumab and voriconazole in ...
8.Bateman ED, Boushey HA, Bousquet J,et al. Can Guideline-defined Asthma Control Be Achieved? The Gaining Optimal Asthma ControL Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 170. pp 836–844, 2004 9.Beasley R et al. Evaluation of Budesonide-For...
Mild asthma causes a substantial burden with respect to risk of exacerbations [1]. This risk can be reduced with the use of inhaled glucocorticoid therapy [2]. This treatment is often not used due to health care professional reluctance to prescribe and patient reluctance to take it when their...
PURPOSE: ICS are a common therapy for both asthma and COPD. While use of systemic corticosteroids can decrease BMD, the impact of long-term ICS use on BMD is uncertain.METHODS: A meta-analysis evaluating the impact of ICS therapy on BMD was performed. We searched MEDLINE and EMBASE.....
Are daily inhaled steroids appropriate for mild persistent asthma? IMPACT, for example, is often cited as evidence that regular ICS improves many outcomes for patients with MPA. Are daily inhaled steroids appropriate for mild persistent asthma? ICS therapy on an as-needed basis is just as effectiv...