[6] Yang IA, Clarke MS, Sim EH, Fong KM. Inhaled corticosteroids for stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012; 7(7): CD002991. [7]Gerber AN. Measuring safety of inhaled corticosteroids in asthma. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2016 Dec;117(6):577-581. [...
[7]Gerber AN. Measuring safety of inhaled corticosteroids in asthma. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2016 Dec;117(6):577-581. [8] Latorre M, Novelli F, Vagaggini B, Braido F, Papi A, Sanduzzi A, Santus P, Scichilone N, Paggiaro P. Differences in the efficacy and safety among inhaled...
让我们看看CHEST杂志近期发表的一篇述评ICS/Beta2-Agonist Reliever Therapy in Adolescents and Adults With Asthma[2],针对相关问题的讨论和分析。 推荐ICS/福莫特罗作为首选缓解剂的证据与使用特点(表 1) 表1. ICS/福莫特罗作为缓解剂的现有证据及...
[7]Gerber AN. Measuring safety of inhaled corticosteroids in asthma. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2016 Dec;117(6):577-581. [8] Latorre M, Novelli F, Vagaggini B, Braido F, Papi A, Sanduzzi A, Santus P, Scichilone N, Paggiaro P. Differences in the efficacy and safety among inhaled...
美国《变态反应、哮喘和免疫学年鉴》于2005年1月24日发表了START ( inhaled SteroidTreatment As Regular Therapy in early asthma,早期哮喘常规吸入糖皮质激素进行治疗) 研究的最新结果,研究结果给出了吸入糖皮质激素布地奈德(budesonide,Pulmicort,商品名普米克)为期3年的安全治疗数据。以往的研究发现,无论对于成人还是...
世界卫生组织和美国国立卫生研究院共同组织的“全球哮喘防治创议委员会”(global initiative for asthma, GINA)于1995年发表的《哮喘全球防治战略指南》中,推广应用ICS治疗哮喘。 临床上,经医师检查,确定为2级轻度持续哮喘:症状≥每周1次,但<每日1次,可能影响活动和睡眠;夜间哮喘症状>每月2次;第1秒用力呼气肺活量(FEV...
[5] GINA committee. Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention 2022 Update[J]. Global Initiative for Asthma: Fontana, WI, USA, 2022: 225. [6] 王晓玲, 许静, 季兴, 向莉, 王刚. 儿童常用雾化吸入药物处方审核建议 [J]. 中国实用儿科杂志,2020,35(02):81-87+136. ...
asthmainhaled corticosteroidslong-actingβ2-agonistsIn recent years considerable insight has been gained in the optimal management of adult asthma. In asthma patients who have persistent symptoms despite the daily use of (a low dose) inhaled corticosteroids (ICS), adding a long- acting β2-agonist...
4.Sin DD, Busse WW. What Harm Are We Doing to Our Patients with Asthma by Using High-Dose Inhaled Corticosteroids? Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2024 Sep 3.
[8]Fujita K, Kasayama S, Hashimoto J, et al. Inhaled corticosteroids reduce bone mineral density in early postmenopausal but not premenopausal asthmatic women. J Bone Miner Res 2001; 16:782.[9]2020版中国糖皮质激素性骨质疏松症防治专家共识[J].中华内科杂志,2021,60(01):13-21.作者:北京天坛...