At iCRco, our mission is to revolutionize medical imaging through innovation and advanced solutions, improving patient care by providing reliable, high-quality imaging systems. With a focus on efficiency and accuracy, we empower healthcare providers for
iCRco Inc.A company profile of Goleta, California-based medical imaging equipment manufacturer iCRco Inc. is presented, highlighting the company's management profile, announcements, and deals and alliances.EBSCO_bspIcrco Inc Medtrack Company Profile...
iCRco’s ultra-thin and lightweight cassettes are composed of carbon fiber, aluminum, and steel – a robust framework designed to withstand a demanding work environment. XC™ : ICE-3 Image Clarity Enhancement The iCR3600 Digital System is designed to work iCRco’s proprietary ...
X射线影像扫描系统(商品名:iCRco) Medical Image Digitizer 管理类别 2 型号规格 iCR 3600 、iCR 3600+ 、VertX 结构及组成 CR系统由CR主机、暗盒、软件组成。 适用范围 设备主要用于对暗盒内的磷光板(CR板)扫描,生成放射学的数字图像,并对数字图像进行存储、处理。
Find out all of the information about the iCRco Inc. product: CR scanner VertX. Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale.
ICRCO CLARITY VIEWER产品名称,K132499申请号,510k申请类型,ICRCO INC.申请人,数据来源于药智数据美国上市器械数据库。
(icrco,) 用于扫描磷光板和x线胶片。 通用名称: cr系统icr1000 批准文号: 国食药监械(进)字2005第2312932号 (国家药品监督管理局) 生产厂家: icrco,inc 参考市场价: ¥0.00 咨询客服,获取最新价格 规格包装: 1台(icrco,) 在线咨询 免费回拨 广济大药房承诺: 正确保正品专专业药师药药监认证 品品牌授权 ...
Find out all of the information about the iCRco Inc. product: medical imaging PACS Clarity . Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale.