ICPSR is the world's largest social science data archive, and keeps research data accessible while training generations of researchers.
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research archive.License MIT+file LICENSE Suggests knitr,rmarkdown VignetteBuilder knitr Imports rvest,purrr,httr,utils Encoding UTF-8 RoxygenNote7.2.3 URL https://github.com/fsolt/icpsrdata,https://fsolt.org/icpsrdata/ BugReports https://...
icpsrdata is an R package that provides reproducible, programmatic access to datasets stored in the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research archive. To install: the latest released version: install.packages("icpsrdata") the latest development version: if (!require(remotes)) inst...
Inter-University Consortium of Political and Social Research (ICPSR) Data Sets - ScienceDirectdoi:10.1016/B0-12-369398-5/00432-1Christopher S. DunnEncyclopedia of Social MeasurementICPSR--see Inter-University Consortium of Political and Social Research....
ICPSR 也编制相关资料文献的书目,ICPSR Bibliography of Data-Related Literature收集超过39,000笔与ICPSR中4,500个以上的数据资料集(Datasets)相关的引用文献资料,包含期刊论文、图书、政府机构报告、工作报告、博硕士论文、会议论文、未出版的手稿等。这些相关的研究信息也相互链结,提供研究者二次使用时之参考。
Data Sharing for Demographic Research at ICPSRData Sharing for Demographic Research at ICPSRLeClere, Felicia BLeClere, F. B. (2006), "Data Sharing for Demographic Research at ICPSR." ICPSR Bulletin, Vol 26 No 2, pp. 3-8. Available http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/org/publications/bulletin/20...
This presentation, given at the North American Data Documentation Initiative Conference (NADDI) 2017 on April 6, 2017 in Ithaca, New York, provides an overview of DataMed, a prototype portal (http://datamed.org) for searching and browsing the holdings of biomedical data repositories. We also di...
Jared Lyle Directs the Curation Services Unit at the Inter-university Consortium forPolitical and Social Research (ICPSR), the world's largest archive of socialand behavioral science data. TheCuration Services Unit is responsible for Metadata, the Bibliography ofData-Related Literature, and Digital Pr...
Jared Lyle Directs the Curation Services Unit at the Inter-university Consortium forPolitical and Social Research (ICPSR), the world's largest archive of socialand behavioral science data. TheCuration Services Unit is responsible for Metadata, the Bibliography ofData-Related Literature, and Digital Pr...