一文搞懂ICPMS的原理 ICP-MS是一种将ICP技术和质谱结合在一起的分析仪器,它能同时测定几十种痕量无机元素,在无机实验室地位斐然,今天小析姐就其检测原理、结构及其注意事项和大家进行探讨,让ICP-MS变的更简单。 自1984年第一台商品仪器问世以来,这项技术已从最初在地质科学研究的应用迅速发展到广泛应用于环境保护...
近期,多个海关部门发布了中标结果。其中,中国检验检测学会测试装备分会会员单位 衡昇质谱在厦门海关实验室仪器设备项目和莆田海关综合技术服务中心项目中,分别中标了一台 iQuad2300。中国检验检测学会测试装备分会是跨部门、跨地区的全国技术型、专业型、公益性、非盈利的组织机构,致力于深入研究探索检验检测设备领域技术...
The collision-induced dissociation (CID) spectra obtained demonstrated unequivocally the specific and complete derivatization of the tyrosine residues. The obtained quantitative results closely matched the reference values reported by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). In terms of ...
differentstages,whichcombinedwithtime-resolvedspectradataandanalysisoftraceelementcorrelationshavesignificantimplications ontheresearchoffinemetallogenicprocess.Theanalyticalresultsareessentialfortheunderstandingofthebehaviorandoccurrenceof metallogenicelements,elementsubstitution,sourceofore-formingfluidsandsulfur,chemicalbanding...
如遇到仪器有问题,先进入Diagnostics菜单,查看Error log一,Error1203,1218,1219点不着火最常见的原因就是漏气导致氩气不纯。1.首先在仪器维护界面中purge管路,2.检查样品管是否在水中。3.检查与矩管连接的两路气Plasma gas 和 Aux gas 接头是否拧紧。Spray chamber ,连接管,矩管及雾化器安装是否正常4.废液管与spray...
Spectra Low ICP-MS Detection Limits Wide Elemental Coverage Isotope Analysis by ICP-MS Capable of conveniently measuring isotopes Isotope ratio applications Follow elements in dynamic system Geochronological dating Isotope dilution quantitation Uses isotope as an internal standard The most accurate quantitative...
(2) Check spectra for oxide ions (111-16 = 95) that might interfere with 111 Cd. (3) Check spectra for divalent ions (111×2) = 222). Select internal standards (Select optimal elements and mass numbers) Criteria for selecting internal standard elements 1. Quantity in sample is less ...
The data processing comprised the following steps: (1) drift correction of the mass peak position in the spectra over time via time-dependent mass calibration, (2) determining the peak shape, and (3) fitting and subtracting the mass spectral baseline. The data was further processed with HDIP...
The change in detrital zircon age spectra from the middle part of the stratigraphy might be due to some basin-adjacent tectonic activities.doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2016.06.011Saha, SubhojitDas, KaushikHidaka, HiroshiKimura, KosukeChakraborty, Partha Pratim...
The detrital zircon 206Pb/238U age spectra range between 2834 ± 12 and 722 ± 14 Ma, evidencing new and younger depositional ages of sedimentary protoliths than those known so far in the HC. The overgrowth domains of zircons in these UHT granulites yield weighted mean 206Pb/238U...