Dashboard - 2024 ICPC Asia Chengdu Regional Contest (The 3rd Universal Cup. Stage 15: Chengdu) ...
Final standings in the 38th Annual World Finals of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest Mirrors:Baylor,Kattis. Anonline judgewith the problemset is available. (The problems are published after contest start) Super region leaderFirst to solve problemSolved problemAttempted problemPending ju...
48th ICPC EC-Final \color{gray}{\#37} 小鲤鱼历险记 (1/3) 48th ICPC EC-Final {\#239} 关注盖亚,谢谢喵 (1/3) 48th ICPC EC-Final \color{brown}{\#100} fallleaves01我将亲手操办你的退役仪式 (1/3)(暨南大学) 47th ICPC World Finals {\#29} (1/3) 46th ICPC World Finals {\#6...
命令是L行的第一列。 The program should go through the board and print all legal moves for the current player in the format (x, y) where x represents the row of the legal move and y represents its column. 程序应该浏览棋盘并以格式(x,y)打印当前玩家的所有合法移动,其中x代表合法移动的行,y...
ACM-ICPC World Finals 2017 will begin onMay 24, 2017 at 15:00 (UTC). This event is the main event of the year in the world of sports programming! This year ICPC Regional participation included 46,381 of the finest students and faculty in computing disciplines from 2,948 universities in ...
总是能听到总决赛的选手们会时常讨论“今天开火车了吗?”,这到底是什么神奇的东西。难道是总决赛队伍所拥有的不为人知的独特训练方法吗? 实际上,“开火车”是我们口中的一个比赛网站。由俄罗斯方面主办的一个网站叫 Opentrain,用很多他们组织的高质量的命题,所以我们一般会直接说成开火车(Train)。
(强烈推荐) http://myicpc.icpcnews.com/insight http://myicpc.icpcnews.com/code 山寨board: http://board.acmicpc.info/icpc2015/board.php 更多信息请参照: http://weibo.com/acmicpc 分享971 麻蜜吧 豆腐干047 ICPC world final颁奖中五道口这次好萎 分享24赞 acm吧 qscqesze ACM-ICPC world final ...
世界决赛(WorldFinal) 每年上半年举行 每所大学只允许派一个队 1989-UniversityofCaliforniaatLosAngeles, UnitedStates 1988-CaliforniaInstituteofTechnology,United States 1987-StanfordUniversity,UnitedStates 1986-CaliforniaInstituteofTechnology,United States 1985-StanfordUniversity,UnitedStates 1984-JohnsHopkinsUniversity...
ICPC赛制ICPC赛制 地区赛(地区赛(RegionalContests))每年下半年举行(每年下半年举行(9-12月)月2005年,亚洲有个赛区,大陆有个赛区,年亚洲有11个赛区大陆有3北大、浙大、川大)个(北大、浙大、川大)每赛区至少一个进入决赛的名额 世界决赛(世界决赛(WorldFinal))每年上半年举行每所大学只允许派一个队 ...
board.acmicpc.info ACM ICPC 信息站 2010 哈尔滨赛区网络赛(2010.09.11). 2010 天津赛区网络赛(2010.09.12). 2010 杭州赛区网络赛(2010.09.19). 2010 成都赛区网络赛(2010.09.18). 2010 福州赛区网络赛(2010.10.10). 2010 哈尔滨赛区现场赛(2010.09.26). 2010 天津赛区现场赛(2010.10.17). 2010 杭州赛区...