免费在线预览全文 The Twenty-first Annual ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest Finals sponsored by PROBLEM A System Dependencies Input file: depend.in Components of computer systems often have dependencies—other components that must be installed before they will function properly. These dependen...
}intn;multiset<Node> fro_buffer, bac_buffer;multiset<Node> :: iterator it;vector<int> ans_fro, ans_bac;voidadd_buffer(multiset<Node> &buffer, Node* arr,int&idx){//printf("add_buffer:\n");for(;idx <= n;){ buffer.insert(arr[idx++]);//printf("\tadd(idx = %d) size = %d: ...
If all words are present, but there is a word for which there are two (or more) different sets of letters that could be marked, print “ambiguous” instead. If all words are present and can be found uniquely in the grid, yet there are no unmarked letters remaining, print“empty ...
The input file ends at the line with the word ENDEND. Output Format Report either HitHit or MissMiss for each of the given addresses. The last line reports cache hit ratio in percentage, that is, the number of hits divided by the number of total addresses given. 样例输入 AAAA000 00010...
Given an integernn, ann-dimensionaln−dimensionalstar graph, also referred to asS_{n}Sn, is an undirected graph consisting ofn!n! nodes (or vertices) and((n-1)\ *\ n!)/2((n−1)∗n!)/2 edges. Each node is uniquely assigned a labelx_{1}\ x_{2}\ ...\ x_...