That is where we come in. We are offering water sample tests that tell you what elements are present in your water down to the parts per million (ppm), or even parts per billion (ppb). To see a complete listing of exactly which elements we test for, please see our Element Testing ...
That is where we come in. We are offering water sample tests that tell you what elements are present in your water down to the parts per million (ppm), or even parts per billion (ppb). To see a complete listing of exactly which elements we test for, please see our Element Testing ...
Water quality — Radium 226 — Test method using ICP-MSdoi:ISO 4685:2024本文件规定了通过电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)测定226Ra浓度的方法.所获得的质量浓度可以转换成活性浓度\n本方法适用于饮用水,雨水,地表水和地下水的测试样品,经过适当的取样和处理以及测试样品制备\n检测限取决于样品体积,使用的仪器...
·L-1)测试方法Testing method元素Elements水沟Ditch水库Reservoir河水River water地下井水Ground well water自来水Tap Mn 282 273 39.7 16.4 6.8 Cu 325 14.7 8.3 0.3 0.5 Zn 21.5 7.3 - - 17.2石墨炉GFAAS water火焰FAAS Cd 0.535 0.214 0.395 0.193 0.272 Pb 51.1 36.4 13.5 0.458 1.31 ICP-MS Mn 280 269 ...
Standard Test Method for Determination of Impurities in Plutonium Materials—Acid Digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS) Analysis 1.1\n本试验方法涵盖钚(Pu)材料中微量元素的测定,如钚金属,钚氧化物和钚/铀(U)混合氧化物.将Pu样品溶解在酸中,并通过电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS...
Keywords:ICP-MS; water samples; 25 elements; detection limits; precision test; adding standard recovery; trace detection; quantitative analysis 1.引言 近年来,我国经济快速发展,工业废水排放急剧增加,使水污染越来越严重,水体中金属元素的含量是影响人体健康的因素之一。其中大多数的金属元素并非人体所必须,...
【英语版】国际标准 ISO 4685:2024 EN Water quality — Radium 226 — Test method using ICP-MS 水质—镭226—使用ICP-MS的测试方法.pdf,ISO 4685:2024《水质量镭-226——电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定法》 详细解释: ISO 4685:2024是一个国际标准,专门针对水中的镭-226的
原文链接:Hendriks L., Skjolding L. M., Robert T.,Single-Cell Analysis by Inductively Coupled Plasma–Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry to Quantify Algal Cell Interaction with Nanoparticles by Their Elemental Fingerprint,Spectroscopy, 2020, Volume 35, Issue 10, Pages 9–16 ...
Analysis of Different Rare Metals, Rare Earth Elements, and other Common Metals in Groundwater of South West Bank/Palestine by ICP/MS-Data and Health Aspects Ground water samples are collectedfrom south West Bank/Palestine and analyzed for different rare elements (Rb,Zr, U, P, Ti, V), rare...
That is where we come in. We are offering water sample tests that tell you what elements are present in your water down to the parts per million (ppm), or even parts per billion (ppb). To see a complete listing of exactly which elements we test for, please see our Element Testing ...