If you'd want not to be dependent on this behaviour, add the following to your script:<?phpif (!function_exists('iconv') && function_exists('libiconv')) { function iconv($input_encoding, $output_encoding, $string) { return libiconv($input_encoding, $output_encoding, $string); }}?>...
bool isUtf8(const char* str) { return ((0xEF == (unsigned char)(str[0])...
The weird thing is that this file exists when I poke around my directory structure: /vagrant/api/node_modules/geoipcity/node_modules/iconv/build/Release/iconv.node So I'm not sure why that try catch block is ever getting to catch. Actually, as I wrote that last sentence I decided to t...
versionadded:: 3.11 This module finds the ``iconv()`` POSIX.1 functions on the system. These functions might be provided in the regular C library or externally in the form of an additional library. The following variables are provided to indicate iconv support: .. variable:: Iconv_F...
I have run out of ideas why iconv fails, so I was wondering whether this might be a packaging issue. I have found a similar iconv issue being discussed on a Fedora mailing list where the cause was iconv data being moved out of the main ...
When I tried to run iconv from the shell, I got a complaint that the shared object file is not found, so I executed export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib. Then iconv worked.This caused an error in my application. I was unaware that one of the source files already included iconv.h....
$filePath = CKFinder_Connector_Utils_FileSystem::combinePaths($this->_currentFolder->getServerPath(), $fileName); $bDeleted =false;if(!file_exists($filePath)) {$this->_errorHandler->throwError(CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); ...
I just found out today that the Windows and *NIX versions of PHP use different iconv libraries and are not very consistent with each other.Here is a repost of my earlier code that now works on more systems. It converts as much as possible and replaces the rest with question marks:<?ph...
This is a third party library, and it is not preset in EZSDK, as you've noticed. It is up to you to compile & integrate it in the TI SDK. I did a search for the sources of iconv library, and found the following links: http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/libiconv...
It is interpreted as the pathname of a charmap file as defined in charmap(5). If the pathname does not represent a valid, readable charmap file, the results are undefined. If this option is omitted, the codeset of the current locale is used....