根据上下文我们得知,这一条应排除在她的偶像地位(iconic status)之外。 59. B. 玩具制造厂家的名字。 learning.sohu.com|基于5个网页 2. 偶像级地位 作为一个文化符号,他从没取得过比他年轻六年、却早死逾半个世纪的占士甸的偶像级地位(iconic status)。若论对电影本业的 … ...
Hutchison's 3 reaches iconic status.(METRICS / Inside the wireless data numbers)Joan Tarrés i Vives
搭配:iconic status/ entrepreneur/ businessmen/ covers/ brand/ images/ gesture/ character/ symbol 背诵: iconic, important, famous, impressive The iconic Statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom. A gun is considered an iconic symbol of violence....
例子: These films helped Jackie Chan to achieve iconic status. 场景:这些电影帮助成龙成就了其偶像地位。
From the electric energy of Las Vegas to the serene beaches of Tulum, some nightclubs have earned legendary status, offering unforgettable experiences that define the...Read More A Comprehensive Guide to Planning a Memorable Trip During NFL Season4 min read ...
The amazing ads helped Nike achieve iconic status in the field of sportswear.A.ambitiousB.symbolicC.aggressiveD.incredible的答案是什么.用刷刷题APP,拍照搜索答疑.刷刷题(shuashuati.com)是专业的大学职业搜题找答案,刷题练习的工具.一键将文档转化为在线题库手机刷
Fantastic Plastic Bakelite Achieves Iconic Status 来自 questia.com 喜欢 0 阅读量: 5 作者: W Mail 摘要: After the Great War this country, together with the rest of Europe, took time to get back on its collective feet and begin a regeneration programme. Most utility wares were soon replaced ...
How? Any DOM element, or array of elements, passed toSVGInjectorwith an SVG filesrcordata-srcattribute will be replaced with the full SVG markup inline. The async loaded SVG is also cached so multiple uses of an SVG only requires a single server request. ...
Andy Warhol too took aim at the painting’s status, in such serigraphs as Thirty Are Better than One (1963).Mona Lisa off the wall References in the visual arts have been complemented by musical examinations. La Giaconda’s personality and quirks were examined in a 1915 opera by Max von ...