我在appsetting.json中有一个json设置: { "genericObject":{ "A": [ "B", "C"], "D": [ "ABC", "CCC"] } } 我已经将appsetting.json文件加载到Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.IConfiguration。如何从IConfiguration加载object实例?我试过了 _Configurati 浏览0提问于2021-02-27得票数 0 2回答 ...
configuration.GetSection("myconfig").Bind(myClass, options => options.BindNonPublicProperties =true); 8. Get(IConfiguration,Type) 将指定的IConfiguration对象转换成指定类型的POCO对象 POCO:Plain Old C# Object,指只有属性而没有行为的的简单对象 Type表示类型声明:类类型、接口类型、数组类型、值类型、枚举类...
Returns a IChangeToken that can be used to observe when this configuration is reloaded. GetSection(String) Gets a configuration sub-section with the specified key. Extension Methods 展開表格 Bind(IConfiguration, Object, Action<BinderOptions>) Attempts to bind the given object instance to configur...
String[]不包含ToArray()的定义,也不包含扩展方法 “‘Application”不包含“Selection”的定义 LoginManager不包含getInstance的定义 “‘decimal”不包含“Round”的定义 “MethodImplOptions”不包含“Synchronized”的定义 任务<>不包含'GetAwaiter'的定义 'object'不包含'X'的定义 ValueProvider不包含TryGetValue的...
propertyValue=BindInstance(property.PropertyType, propertyValue, config.GetSection(property.Name), options);if(propertyValue !=null&&hasSetter) { property.SetValue(instance, propertyValue); } }privatestaticobjectBindToCollection(TypeInfo typeInfo, IConfiguration config, BinderOptions options) ...
Since you are attempt to serialize the configuration that you are ultimately binding to an object, a workaround would be to re-serialize that object instead: var stepExample = new ConfigurableClass(9); cfg.Bind(stepExample); var json1 = JsonSerializer.Serialize(stepExample, stepExample...
publicstaticvoidReadProperties(objectobj, IConfiguration config){// No convert on portable or core#ifNET45 || DNX451if(obj ==null|| config ==null) {return; }varprops = obj.GetType().GetProperties();foreach(varpropinprops) {// Only try to set properties with public settersif(prop.Get...
public void OnSettingChanged(object state) { callbackRegistration?.Dispose(); IConfiguration configuration = (IConfiguration)state; configuration.GetSection("App").Bind(new ConfigOptions()); callbackRegistration = configuration.GetReloadToken() .RegisterChangeCallback(OnSettingChang...
Is your question related to a specific version? If so, please specify: v2 (latest) What language does your question apply to? (e.g. C#, JavaScript, Java, All) C# Question What is the proper way to get access to IConfiguration and ILogger...
Applicable for IKEv2 subscriber-mode based products, This object encapsulates various Authentication methods. auth_method_set_name is the context level name to be used for the IKEv2 IKE Security Association Authentication methods Set, which is a string of size 1 to ...