Could you try to replace the icon.png with a smaller image (128x128, without transparency), just to test? There are many posts about "windows wrong icon in taskbar" on the Internet: If you find out why, please explain :)...
Shift4: Small icons Your focus must be on the desktop itself for this to work. If there are other windows open, minimize them and click the desktop first before trying these shortcuts. How to Change Desktop Icon Size With the Mouse To make the desktop icons larger or smaller with the mo...
Now hold down the control key on your keyboard ("Ctrl") and mouse-wheel up or down: when you scroll up, your desktop icons become bigger; when you scroll down (while holding the Ctrl key), Vista makes your desktop icons smaller. Here you go, a quick tip and mouse/keyboard shortcut ...
E742 ResizeTouchSmaller E743 ResizeMouseSmall E744 ResizeMouseMedium E745 ResizeMouseWide E746 ResizeMouseTall E747 ResizeMouseLarge E748 SwitchUser E749 Stampa E74A Freccia SU E74B Giù E74C OEM E74D Elimina E74E Salva E74F Disattiva audio E750 BackSpaceQWERTY E751 ReturnKey E752 UpArrowShi...
These icons are optimized for smaller pixel sizes commonly used in Windows folder icons, such as 32px, 24px, 20px, and 16px. Contributors are encouraged to provide these smaller variants to ensure consistency across different icon sizes. ...
Fullcalendar not wrapping event correctly when Event end time smaller than start time FullScreen mode at page load generates popup windows in IE, but not working in Firefox or Operara Get table cell width in javascript Get Client Machine Name Get Client system's directory/folder list using clien...
in Windows 10 Software and Apps Desktop icon images too small: The icons on my desktop have been normal for a week, but suddenly one of them has gone smaller.I am not using any third party software other than Wallpaper Engine. Anyone know how to fix this? Thanks in advance... Deskto...
IconWorkshop™ loads, creates, edits, saves icons for Windows Vista™. This new operating system, includes a PNG-compressed icon format. It permits to create icons up to 256x256 with alpha channel with smaller file size. Axialis IconWorkshop™ now fully supports this new format in all...
Cannot resize .ico files for shortcut icons: I'm having trouble trying to standardize the sizes of my shortcut icons in Windows 10. I'm not referring to making the icons smaller or larger, as shown here:I am trying to make the actual .ico file take up the full size of the shortcut...
, make sure the desktop has the focus, this can be done by just clicking any empty space of the desktop. Press and hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard, and then using your mouse wheel, roll it upward to make the icons size larger, or downward to set the icon size smaller....