font-weight和font-style和之前使用的是一致的。 src属性后还有一个local(font name)字段,表示从用户系统中加载字体,失败后才加载webfont。 代码语言:javascript 复制 src:local(font name),url("font_name.ttf") 三、字体格式 对于@font-face而言,兼容性问题就是各浏览器所能识别的字体格式不尽相同。TrueType格...
For example, if you choose not to make the trend value and background fill dynamic, you can chose a single, static color for both. Click on the color box next to the element to choose from a preset palette or enter a hex code to right of the color box. To change the background ...
You can set static colors for any elements that that are not using dynamic coloring. For example, if you choose not to make the trend value and background fill dynamic, you can chose a single, static color for both. Click on the color box next to the element to choose from a preset ...
icon { width: 100%; height: 100%; vertical-align: -0.15em; fill: currentColor; overflow: hidden; } .icon-wrapper{ display: inline-block; } 父组件调用svg组件 <icon prefix="icon-" class="set" name="dongmanxiao" ></icon> 效果图展示 四、引用icon图标组件(上) 1、下载至本地 首先...
logo_icon, showConfigIcon: false, showCropper: false, showUpload: false, option: { img: '', size: 1, full: false, outputType: 'webp', canMove: true, fixedBox: false, original: false, canMoveBox: true, autoCrop: true, // 只有自动截图开启 宽度高度才生效 autoCropWidth: 100, autoCro...
E8D5 FolderFill E8D6 Audio E8D7 Autorizzazioni E8D8 DisableUpdates E8D9 Rimuovi da Preferiti E8DA OpenLocal E8DB Italic E8DC Sottolineato E8DD Grassetto E8DE MoveToFolder E8DF LikeDislike E8E0 Non mi piace E8E1 Simile a E8E2 AlignRight E8E3 AlignCenter E8E4 AlignLeft E8E5 OpenFil...
webSearch:searchEngine:duckduckgoopeningMethod:newtabsearchBangs:/r:reddit/w:wikipedia/s:https://whoogle.local/search?q=':wolf':wolframalpha':so':stackoverflow':git':github HitEscat any time to close any open apps, clear the search field, or hide any modals. ...
Row _localRow(){ return Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly, children: [ Container( width: 30, height: 60, color: Colors.yellow, child: Image.asset( 'images/base_widgets/star_black.png', fit: BoxFit.none, ), ),
Some of our customers heavily rely on the Document Set functionality. Last week we noticed that the icon of Document Set has changed within a list view...