Atropos Atropos is a lightweight, free and open-source JavaScript library to create stunning touch-friendly 3D parallax hover effects. wow.js Reveal Animations When You Scroll. chocolat.js Free lightbox plugin. Animate On Scroll Animate on scroll library to reveal animations when You scroll. Tilt...
Even though thefuture of iconswill likely beSVG, here in the present, icon fonts still offer a compelling alternative — with super easy styling of color, size, text-shadows, hover effects and more using just CSS. Icon fonts arestill awesome. One big advantage SVG has over icon fonts is ...
When you :hover a list element, the button is shown (height: 2em; opacity: 1;). Loading... KF Permalink to comment# January 20, 2013 Icon fonts are great! But there’s one thing I can’t quite figure out – vertical centering. Setting CSS to “vertical-align: middle;” doesn’t...