Use any icon (100,000+) from Iconify, for TailwindCSS. Latest version: 0.0.3, last published: 2 years ago. Start using tailwindcss-plugin-icon in your project by running `npm i tailwindcss-plugin-icon`. There are no other projects in the npm registry usi
What does a new user need in a homepage experience on Stack Overflow? Linked 52 How to modify svg icon colors with Tailwind Related 0 SharePoint REST API for Fetching custom Metadata Columns 4 How to access a document library in a sharepoint online site using MS graph 1 How to iter... 使用Unocss可以高效处理tailwindcss和icon图标。首先,通过pnpm安装相关依赖,包括Unocss和iconify的工具。然后,在项目根目录创建uno.config.ts配置文件,导入并定义Unocss的配置。配置包括启用默认预设、
Heroicons is a comprehensive icon library for React with 316 high-quality, SVG icons. It covers most of the categories you need to create a stunning user interface. The library is built by the creators of Tailwind CSS. So, it integrates with Tailwind-based projects smoothly. The icons ...
Vue的广告,分页- 使用css框架构建vue分页组件tailwindcss 动画 vue2,动画- Animate.css的Vue.js 2.0端口. 用于Vue的内置过渡. 动画-Vue- 一个Vue.js 2.x插件,可以轻松地将Animate.css动画用作过渡. 一样容易<animated-tada>! Vue,洛蒂- 一个Vue.js 2.x插件,用于渲染基于bodymovin的效果动画 Vueg-使vue-...
3 Tabler Icons - Over 4800 vector icons for web design 4 Google Fronts 5 Ionicons 6 7 Blend Icons 日常开发设计工作中,经常需要调试预览一些icon,实现产品的快速原型设计与交付,目前国内一些平台提供了icon的共享服务,但这些平台大多需要付费或授权下载,现如今互联网如此开放便捷,很多高质量的icon都可...
Heroicons is another best icon plugins for Figma. It is built by themakers of Tailwind CSS.It is a collection of316 SVG iconsfor designers. With the smooth integration, the library provides better flexibility and integration. However, it has limited style and features for icons. The icons are...
Remix Icon is a set of open source neutral style system symbols elaborately crafted for designers and developers. All of the icons are free to use for both personal and commercial.
Best Social Media Icon Sets for Websites 1. Minimal Social Media Icons Enhance your online presence with nifty icons to connect your website to social media profiles. Instead of crafting them yourself, you can now make it happen in a snap of a finger with this collection of minimal social ...
A tool to create svg icon components for vue 2 vue-svgicon A tool to create svg icon components. (vue 2.x) Live Demo GitHub 26 July 2017 Tags App 543 UI 250 Tailwind CSS 168 Nuxt 162 Games 160 Website 140 Todo 139 Miscellaneou...