+ '@iconify-json/fa6-brands': + specifier: ^1.1.17 + version: 1.1.17 + '@iconify-json/mdi': + specifier: ^1.1.58 + version: 1.1.58 + '@iconify/tools': + specifier: ^3.0.7 + version: 3.0.7 '@intlify/unplugin-vue-i18n': specifier: ^1.5.0 version: 1.5.0(vue-i18n@9.8.0...
Learn about… Accessibility + Icons Heads up!This work may be protected as a trademark. Released: 4.3.0 Updated: 5.0.3 Icons in Action Ever wonder what “dashcube” might look like in the mix? Well, you're in luck! We've cooked up some examples of how you could use the “dashcub...
3 种写法它都能接受, 但是 6.0 官网给的 example 是 fa-brands 所以推荐照这个做吧. 付费/ 收费: 通过CSS font 来使用, 比如伪元素 (pseudo-element) ::marker{color:red;font:var(--fa-font-solid);content:"\f00d"; } 通过CSS variable 设置 font, content ...
11F', }} /> Twitter </TwitterShareButton> <FacebookShareButton url={window.location.href} className="flex items-center w-full" > <FacebookIcon size={24} className="rounded-md" bgStyle={{ fill: '#11111F', }} /> Facebook </FacebookShareButton> </Modal> )} <Link href=...
Unicode: f375 Glyph: Copy Glyph Download SVG file Learn about… Accessibility + Icons Heads up!This work may be protected as a trademark. Sponsored byAmazon Web Services Become an Icon Sponsor! Released: 5.0.0 Updated: 5.1.0 Icons in Action...
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17. Hand-Drawn Logos and Brands I bet you were not expecting to see free social media icons of this kind. It feels like each logo was hand-drawn, which makes the appearance look unique and original. There are 415 of them available for you! Nope, that is not a typo. You have just ...
: Ad | fas fa-ad | advertisement, media, newspaper, promotion, publicity, | \f641 : Address Book | fas fa-address-book | contact, directory, index, little black book, rolodex, | \f2b9 : Address Card | fas fa-address-card | about, contact, id, identification, postcard, profile, ...
Some brands prefer to bring focus to their websites. This black-and-white square pack helps you do that with 16 social media logos byFreepik. Download the sethere. 15. Social media circular pack In thisFreepikpack, you get 16 social media logos, simple white logos on a black circular ...
In the popup, you’ll see an HTML code snippet. The CSS class is simply the text between the quotation marks. For example, in the following image, the CSS class isfa-solid fa-address-book. Simply copy the text inside the quotes, then switch back to the WordPress dashboard. ...